Monday, December 27, 2010

Banjarmasin retakes his royal history and culture

All Picture taken from Gusti Yulianitha Tick Facebook and Donald Tick's email.

From 10-12 december 2010 we saw the accumalation of a cultural revival process,t hat took place in Banjarmasin the last 10 years.
Then the bupati of Banjar was installed as the new raja muda/chief of the sultan's dynasty of Banjarmasin.
This royal installation was characterised by the facts, that really all was wished to be done perfect and complete.
The sultanate of Banjarmasin was abolished after a time of internal struggle on the 11th of june of 1860;so exactly 150 years ago.
Holland reorientated itself about the function of the Indonesian dynasties around 1939 and had then the plan to restore the sultanate of Banjarmasin and the nearby in the so-called Tanah Bumbu-area lying 7 principalities (abolished from 1905); strongly related to the Banjarmasin dynasty.
But the realisation of the plan was hampered by the WW II and the then following independence struggle in Indonesia.
The once very influential dynasty of Banjarmasin;being then one of the 5 main dynasties of the island of Kalimantan/Borneo;had always preserved as good as possible it's cultural heritage and knowledge of it's history.
The present dynastychief;then still called Gusti Khairul Saleh;was in 2000 still a high governmentofficial in the town of Banjarmasin,but then already had organised an organisation to preserve the cultural and historical heritage of the total Banjarmasin area.
It even published then already it's own magazine.
Also the fact, that the people of Banjarmasin;known for it's pietist religious life and the with that connected friendliness;kept their interest in the history, fascilitated the cultural revival of the area.
Yes, Unity in Diversity is the slogan of the coats of arms of Indonesia (Bhineka Tunggal Ika), so a more stronger sense of your own local culture means, that you also can stay more strong towards the national cause.
That was also the aim, that the sultan's dynasty and the local government had in the royal installation project.
Everything during these 3 days were perfect and complete.
Not only there were genuine installationceremonies,but also an unique photoexhibition of Indonesia kings in history. That also gave a good chance to all the people there to be educated about their own history.
That exhibition was sponsored by the National Council of Dutch Nobility (Nederlandse Adels Vereniging), who together with the European Union of National Nobility Councils (Cilane) has a project to exchange experiences with the Indonesian dynasties about their function in the so-called modern world and where it is possible to further support each other.
Very active for years in this project was their much active representative Drs. Ferdinand F. Baron de Smeth van Alphen, who was this year represented at this royal event by the in Holland based secretary of a documentation institute about the dynasties of Indonesia
(Pusaka);Mr. Donald Tick and by Drs. Gusti Yulianitha Tick;a direct descendant of the last locally recognized ruling sultan of Banjarmasin (Sultan Adam).
The in Indonesia still very lifely traditional culture and relative active functioning of the local royalty is a stimulating factor for the European nobility .
The very detailed archives and the philisophy of the European nobility about their functioning in the so-called modern world is a factor of learning also for the since ca. 10 years really cultural reviving of the Indonesian dynasties.
The perfect way, how the royal installation had been done can be described as an example for such matters in Indonesia.
The different branches of the dynasty with equal rights to the dignity of chief of the dynasty were also asked for some advise and also invited. All came.Also the general traditional and religious leaders and of course the civil government were asked for advice and invited.
Even a branch of the dynasty,living in Holland;was invited.
Because Banjarmasin was lying on an island (relative isolation) the history of Banjarmasin mainly happened on the island of Kalimantan, or Borneo.
So;much royal intermarriages and political bonds were made in history. Even some other principalities on the island were founded by sons of Banjarmasin sultans.
That is why the whole organisation first concentrated concerning the invitations to invite as much as possible the royal and princely families of the island itself. But of course also many dynasties, who represented the other ca. 250 dynasties of Indonesia.

Because it was already 150 years ago, that the dynasty really functioned as a ruling dynasty, the related dynasty of Kotawaringin (S-middle Kalimantan;founded by a son of a sultan of Banjarmasin), who functioned as a ruling dynasty until the end of active existence as such in the Dutch time(ca. 1949)was asked to control the plans for the installation.
And even really participated in the actual royal installation.
It was all a colourfull, interesting and quite elaborate royal cultural event, who was attended by a lot of dynasties from Indonesia,Malaysia and Brunei.
So you could see a diversity of displays of royal culture as well like the dynasties of Bulungan, Sambaliung, Gunung Tabur and Kutai (East-Kalimantan), Kotawaringin (S-middle Kalimantan), Tayan (representing the council of monarchs of West-Kalimantan, who were at that time very busy with their own cultural festival), Mamuju and Binuang from West-Sulawesi, Buton from SE-Sulawesi, Sanrabone from SW-Sulawesi, Badung-Pemecutan from Bali, Sile Dendeng from Lombok, Surakarta and Pakualaman from Java, Siak from East-Sumatra, Palembang from S-Sumatra, a representative of the S-Moluccan areas nobility in the person of the raja of Mamala, etc.,etc.
The Malaysia royal world sended a delegation from the sultan's dynasty of Selangor (founded by a prince from the Sulawesi kingdom of Luwu) and also the sultan's dynasty of Brunei was represented.
The whole installation project was also supported by the Indonesia organisation of representation of the Indonesian dynasties FSKN (Forum Silaturahmi Keraton se Nusantara) under the hardworking leadersship of Kanjeng Pangeran Haryo Gunarso Kusumodingrat;known generally as Pangeran Gunarso.
The present dynastychief of Banjarmasin;Pangeran Khairul Saleh,is a good person for the dignity of chief of the sultan's dynasty of Banjarmasin in this so-called modern time.
Being descendant of the brother of Sultan Adam (the last local recognized real ruling sultan) and married with a descendant of a Banjarmasin sultan as well,he already has the royal charisma(also not unimportant in Indonesia).
That combined with his true idealism to revive the love for the local culture and history he must be the good man/royal on the right place.
Most of the people are convinced of his honest and non-proud intentions towards it.
It is hoped,that the good God will preserve his total idealism in this way.
His next step in his realistic dreams is to rebuild the sultan's palace as a symbol of the local culture,but also as a eyecatcher for tourists.
The palace must be finished in 2011.
That is of course also to the interest of the Indonesian central government,who more and more has focussed themselves to the local culture as one of the main interests for the tourists. So hereby tourists can play a role in reinforcing the local feeling for it's own culture in a genuine way.

Mr. Jero Wacik;Indonesian minister of tourism and culture was because of all of that togerther with Governor Rudy Arifin of South-Kalimantan some of the most important guests at the events.

Hopefully this inspiring line will be followed in the general and royal cultural revival.

We will follow them all with interest.

D.P. Tick gRMK
I. Festivana

Thursday, December 23, 2010





Friday, December 17, 2010

Sultan of Jailolo (North-Moluccans) deposed

Recently the news reached us,that one of the 4 sultans of the North-Moluccan;Sultan Abdullah Syah of Jailolo;has been deposed by his paramount overlord Sultan Mudafar Syah II of Ternate.
That happened 20-11-2010.
The story is like this:
Before Jailolo was an independent kingdom.
Ca. 1550 Jailolo came under the influence of Ternate. One source said,that the last descendant of the kings of Jailolo (then called a raja) died in exile on Ternate in 1715.
But the members of the direct line, or the Doa line claim, that with that fact the rights to the throne of Jailolo had not been ended. From 1715 the rights to the raja title went to a side line. From there the rulers of the restored Jailolo sultanate descended:Raja Muhammad Arif Bila, who helped ca. 1800 the rebellious Sultan Nuku of Tidore;a national Indonesian hero and later after him his 2 sons, who only could rule over a segment of the Jailolo people, who were allowed to resettle themselves in the north part of Ceram and after the last sultan of jailolo there was deposed went back to Jailolo in Halmahera totally.
The last sultan there was deposed 1832 (Sultan Muhammad Asgar;died 1839),because he not really coöperated with ending the piracy in the area. A descendant from that line;Dano Baba Hasan;was pretender sultan 1875-76 and his descendant;Dano Jaeuddin;also was pretender in 1914.
A descendant of Dano Baba Hasan was discovered in in Sumatra by Sultan Mudafar II Syah. He had a plan to make the system of 4 kings/Maloku Kie Raha;of again functioning to give stability again to the area.
So in januari 2002 Sultan Abdullah Syah was installed by the sultan of Ternate as a sultan, but in fact the paramount function of Ternate over Jailolo had not been ended then.
So in fact it was more a coöperation between the 2 sultan systems.
That functioned very good for a long time,but this year the sultan of Jailolo had a different choice for a bupati of a local district and that was not very much liked by the sultan and sultana of Ternate,who felt a sort of betrayed.
After the sultan of Jailolo was deposed, the functions were temporarily taken by an official called Ilham Dano Tokan.
No further real developments were noticed in this matter.

Some say, that the branch of the dynasty of which he belongs were always a bit seen as the Tidore branch. Tidore is in history the rival of Ternate.
Sultan Muhammad Arif was also pretender to the sultan's title of Tidore later.
The Doa line now hope, that there will be a chance to reclaim with succes their own rights to the sultan's title.

Like always we hope, that the harmony will be restored soon.

D. P. Tick

Monday, December 13, 2010

Banjarmasin dynasty also has now it's chief again

The Banjarmasin area;once one of the 4 biggest kingdoms on the island of Borneo/Kalimantan has witnessed from 10-12 december 2010 the installation of it's new dynastychief;150 years after the Banjarmasin sultanate was abolished 11-6-1860.
The new dynastychief is Pangeran Khairul Saleh, who is now also having his 2nd term of office as bupati/districtchief of Banjar;the central part of Banjarmasin.
Not only the Indonesian government sended high officials for this royal installation like the minister of Culture and Tourism Mr. Jero Wacik, but also Governor Rudy Arifin of South Kalimantan (the province in which the kabupaten Banjar is lying) and other high local government officials were attending.
Apart from the civil government also many dynasties (as representatives of the dynasties of their areas) attended.
Also the chief of the council of South-Moluccan nobility clans were attending.
Of course the several branches of the sultan's dynasty itself was invited and all attended.Even the clan formed by the descendants of a son of the last sultan of Banjarmasin and a Dutch woman were to be seen at the ceremonies.
This Holland prince of Banjarmasin;Mister Dick Eysma from Kota Zoetermeer;went back again to the place, which he had seen for the last time 29 years ago.Then also he made a journey to commemorate his royal ancestors in the area where he was born 69 years ago and which he left in 1948.

The ceremonies took place in 3 days. The first day was concentrated on the baduduk, or ceremonial ritual cleansing ceremonies for the dynastychief and his most closest dynastic officials.
The 2nd day was concentrated around the arriving and greeting welcome of the high civil politicians and the dynasties from Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei.
The 3rd day the actual installation and also the official confirmation of the pangeran title took place.
That last day was of course the most colourfull and intensive cultural event.
Also a little historical photo exhibition;sponsored by the Holland National Council of Nobility (Nederlandse Adels Vereniging);was then opened.
That organisation is normally represented at such royal occasions by Drs. Ferdinand F. Baron de Smeth van Alphen from Amsterdam,whose National Council of Dutch Nobility is trying to exchange experiences with the Indonesia royalty about their functioning in the so-called modern-time.
Because of health reasons the baron was represented by Gusti Yulianitha Tick from Balikpapan (descendant of the last local recognized ruling sultan of Banjarmasin;Sultan Adam Alwatzikubillah (1827-1857), who is also the wife of Donald Tick, the secretary of the Documentation Centre of the Indonesian Dynasties (Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan2 di Indonesia "Pusaka",who organised the exhibition.

Later,when the more detailed information about this 3 day royal installation will reach us together with the beautifull pictures around this important event, we shall put another article here about it.

D.P. Tick gRMK
I. Festivana

Note :
portrait: Pangeran Khairul Saleh;bupati of Banjar and Raja Muda of Banjarmasin (Taken from his FB).
other pictures from:
Gusti Yulianitha Tick SPd; secretary Kerabat Kesultanan Banjarmasin/section Balikpapan town.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Buton the new host of FKN VIII royal festival in 2012

On the 28th of november 2010 during one of the royal festivals of Indonesia;the Festival Keraton Nusantara VII in Palembang,which took place from 26-28 november;Sultan La Ode Muhammad Izat Manarfa has been chosen as the host of the next FKN in 2012.
So it will take place at a later defined date in the city of Baubau;the former capital of the Buton sultanate.


Sunday, November 28, 2010

President Susilo Bambang Yudhyono also of royal blood

Before I always thought, that the present president of Indonesia;President Susilo Bambang Yudhyono;was the first real civil president;besides the so-called interim presidents President Abdurrahman Wahid (of a clan of religious leaders) and President Bacharuddin Yusuf Habibi (of a family related to South-East Sulawesi royalty).

But now I discovered, that the present Indonesian president is also of royal blood.
Maybe he do not use his nobility title Raden because he wants to profile himself as a real civil president.
His in 2001 died father (the president is the only child) was the military officer Letnan Raden Soekotjo,who married for the 2nd time with Siti Habibah from Blitar (same area, where president Sukarno comes from);the daughter also of a military officer.
Raden Soekotjo lived since 1930 in Pacitan;the area,where his clan comes from. In the there lying city of Ardjosari (capital of the sub-district of of Tegalambo) Raden Susilo Bambang Yudhyono was born at the 9th of september 1949;109 days before Indonesia received it's complete independence from Holland.
The father of Raden Soekotjo was Raden Imam Badjoeri and this nobleman was a son of Raden Kasanpuro,who was a naib, or penghulu (religious leader) in Ardjosari.
Pacitan was before a part of the empire of Surakarta.
This Penghulu Raden Kasanpuro was a descendant of Pangeran Buwono Keling of the Majapahit dynasty (who before in name ruled the total area of Indonesia) and his wife Raden Mas Kustiloh,who was the direct descendant of a Bendara Raden Ayu,so high royal daughter of Sultan Hamengku Buwono III of Yogjakarta(ruled as Prince-regent 1810-6-11-1811 and kept that title until 6-11-1812;then from 1812-died 3-11-1814 sultan
(born ca. 1770).
So after the first president of Indonesia;President Achmed Soekarno,who was via the father side descendant of an emperor of Majapahit and via the mother's side belonging to to the Bali nobility and even had as one of his wives a princess of Bolaang-Mongondow (Manoppo dynasty/in North-Sulawesi) and the second president President Suharto (who via his mother Sukirah was a descendant of Sultan Hamengku Buwono V of Yogjakarta 1822-26/28-55;he looks very much like this sultan) married a princess of Mangkunegaran in the Surakarta area;now we have a 3rd long ruling Indonesian president, who has his roots in the Indonesian royal families.

That he will continue to rule his people like a good thing;that means a true caring father of his people. Until now he shows much of that talent.

Tempo magazine,facebook Susilo Bambang Yudyono and other sources.

D.P. Tick gRMK
I. Festivana

Friday, November 26, 2010

Royal Indonesia Festival opened 26 November

26 November, one of the 2 big royal festivals of Indonesia;the Festival Keraton Nusantara VII(FKN VII);has been opened in the city of Palembang in South-Sumatra.
The host wil be Sultan Iskandar Mahmud Badaruddin of Palembang (one of the 2 sultans here) and the local government.
It will be attended by 108 dynasties and ruling families and it was the plan to let it open by President Susilo Bambang Yudhyono of Indonesia.
The festival is organised by 4 of the 5 royal organisations in Indonesia;namely:
Forum Informasi dan Komunikasi Keraton Nusantara(FKIKN), Asosiasi Kerajaan dan Kesultanan Indonesia(AKKI), Forum Kerajaan dan Kelembagaan Adat Sulawesi (FKKAS;a royal organisation focussed namely on the Bugis,Makassarese and Mandar area on Sulawesi),
and Forum Silaturahmi Keraton Nusantara(one of the 2 organisations with that name).

The festival;a display of culture and history of Indonesia;a country with ca. 300 imperial, royal and princely dynasties;will last from 26-28 november and will be for the most part open for the general public.
Such royal festivals are very unique matters in Asia and has a stimulating effect on the consousness of the people of Indonesia for their own local culture in this so-called modern time.
We hope to provide in due time more information about this royal Indonesia festival in due time.

DP Tick gRMK
I. Festivana

Monday, November 22, 2010

American high computer specialist becomes King in Indonesia

On the 19th of november 2010 a man of Indonesian origin was coronated as the 21th Sultan of Bacan;an Indonesian island group in the North-Moluccans. Sultan Dede Muhammad Gary Ridwan Sjah.
His father Sultan Alhaji Dede Muhammad Gahral Adian Sjah was sultan of bacan from 1983 until he died 21-9-2009. He was also the districtchief (Bupati) of Central-Halmaherah.
The son of this sultan already went at a young age to the USA and could make there a quite succesfull career as an computer specialist;now living in the state of Ohio.
Because his father the deceased sultan was quite loved by his people, they asked him to become their new king.
In the beginning he thought, that would be quite a problem to combine his high job in tne USA with his dignity as king of Bacan.
The sultanate of Bacan is not an automatic from father to son monarchy, but an elective monarchy,where the 4 royal clans elect from within the dynasty a good candidate for the throne.
The new sultan however already was known as a quite loving and caring prince for the Bacan people,so the local nobility insisted, that he would become their new king.
The new sultan is also known for his quite humbkle acting, so immediately he is now loved by his people.
After Sultan Dede Muhammad Gary Sjah was coronated with the centuries old crown and given the very old royal digity stick with golden knob in his hand (Tongkat Sultan)he was declared as the 21th sultan of Bacan.
Before Sultan Zainal Abidin Sjah was made before 1512 the 1st sultan of bacan, there were already non-muslim kings in Bacan,which once was seen as the most important kingdom in the North-Molccans and even in the total Moluccans,with even influence in the the Papua areas.
After the coronation the sultan,who is married with the also of course attending Sultana Boki Winy Sjah;returned to the USA. In the mean time the royal court organised the big festivites and royal reception for a later date,which would be attended by many king and rajas of Indonesia.
That the Almighty and Loving God will help this good sultan of Bacan to lead his people.


N.B. :The picture was given by Mr. Wanda Poejangga;member of the royal court of Bacan.

Donald - Festivi

Monday, August 2, 2010

East Kings Assemble at the Palace Nisnoni (Kupang)

A number of kings in Timor, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Wednesday, gathered at the Palace of King Nisnoni, Kupang, in order to equate the views for the sake of development after the royal status removed in the government system of Indonesia in the 1960s.
Vice Governor of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Eshton Leyloh Foenay who also became heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Helong, one of the kingdom in Kupang, opened it and direct the activities involved in the dialogue, which was also attended by a number of foreign researchers, historians, artists, culture, the "vetor "or the local king and" temukung "or extension of the local kings, as well as residents.
The heir to the throne in the East who formerly attended, among others Rai Liu (King) of Malacca from the Kingdom Wehali in Belu Michael Bria, Usif (King) Nesi Nope of Niki-Niki, Usif Simon Oematan from Molo, both from the East South Central, Eshton Leyloh Foenay who is also Deputy Governor of the NTT from the kingdom and a number of temukung Helong in Timor.

They were received at the Palace of the King or known by Sonaf Nisnoni in Kupang with oversized clothes each, with regional dances, beat drums and gongs welcomed the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Kupang Nisnoni Nicolas Leopold.
Appeared, the king sat in a chair that had been prepared, while in front of them, there are dozens of various neighborhoods temukung sitting cross-legged on mats on the ground dibentang, also with their respective customary clothes.
Royal ceremonial atmosphere like the past, enjoy the treat of betel nut in the container of woven palm leaves.
The more traditional atmosphere thicker, because a small food treat for guests is also composed of local food, like sweet wine, young coconut, corn, potatoes, in containers of a kind mother-of-pearl woven palm trees that usually grow in the East.
One of the important things in the dialogue of the kings dipercakapkan Timor is a part in modern development and participation in the Forum Gathering of Kraton Nusantara.
Deputy Governor of NTT Esthon Leyloh Foenay when opening the meeting to request that the king closer to the people, know what the wants and needs of the people and become a role model.
"The kings should be a role model for people, because without people, there would be no king," he said.

Because the presence of Deputy Governor at once became heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Helong, Eston also appeared with oversized clothes as one of the kings of Timor.*

* All Article are translate from


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Meangkat Batang Tarandam Kesultanan Banjar

Sultanate of Banjar Batang Meangkat Tarandam
Young King, Middle Way from Three Lines Descendants of The King

Hotels Arum probably will witness the revival of the Sultanate of Banjar. For tomorrow, Saturday (24 / 7), a descendant of the king of Banjar, the Gusti, antung, Andin, Anang gathered here, to appoint a Viceroy.

Ramli ARISNO, Martapura.

Why just the Viceroy might as well not to appoint a Sultan of Banjar? The question was thrown away when talking to the Chairman FSKN (Forum Gathering of the Palace as the Archipelago) South Kalimantan Region Ir HG also Khairul Saleh Banjar Regent.
As he invited the author to enjoy a cup of Zam-Zam water, by-the return of the worship umra, Khairul said why.
"This is for the sake of uniting the zuriat Banjar king," he said. When judging from history, especially since the arrival of the Dutch to the Banjar land against invaders until the war ended with the collapse of the power of the Sultanate of Banjar around the year 1905, raises as many royal lines who feel most entitled to be appointed to the sultan.
Prince Zuriat Hidayatullah, for example. Based on the testament of Sultan Adam, he wanted his grandson who resided in Karang Intan (Prince Hidayat, red) became king. Unfortunately, this will not happen because the conditions at that time politics were in turmoil caused by the intervention of the Netherlands. Company intend to lift the Prince Tamjidillah even become king. The Netherlands wants and who finally accomplished. Tamjid prince became king.
Some of the old king, the Netherlands seems to catch another sign of the Prince who wanted to restore kekuasaanya Tamjid into the hands of his brother, Prince Hidayatullah. Dutch angry and throw Hidayatulah. Banjar kingdom was dissolved. "Well, from here there are two lineages (descendants of Prince and Princess Tamjid Hidayatullah) who is entitled to be king later on," said Khairul.
Not to mention the descendants of Prince Inu Kertapati or better known as Prince Antasari, appointed by the people of the interior of Kalimantan, became king and continued resistance to the Dutch. After his death, power passed to his son, Prince Seman until the year 1905. "With the descendants of Prince Antasari, there were three kings of the lineage are equally entitled to be elected as a sovereign," concluded Khairul.
So, with reason to prevent the possible emergence of cross-opinion, enough is appointed Viceroy, or setaralah with the grand vizier or prime minister's office today. "With the spirit with all the parties to stem meangkat tarandam, reviving the noble values of local wisdom of the past Sultanate of Banjar," said Khairul.
Emphasized, this association does not intend to started the return of feudalism. But a itjihad to excavate, preserve and revive the values of wisdom from the Sultanate of Banjar as the government center and the cultural ideas of the past.
Viceroy will also be given the authority raised its stake in the indigenous district level to levels below him. Including granting titles of nobility to the people who excel in South Kalimantan and raised a good area. "For example, Gusti Hatta (Minister of LH, ed). He could have given a higher degree kebangsawan, a Prince Hatta," said Khairul again.
Deliberation of the kings of Banjar tomorrow zuriat plan also attended by the Prince of Surakarta Palace, Prince Haryo Kanjeng Kusumodiningrat, who served as Secretary General FSKN, South Kalimantan Governor Rudy Ariffin, Cultural Academics, and prominent figures of South Kalimantan. *

* All Articles is translated from Radar Banjarmasin


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Last Dutch Queen from Indonesia Dies

Sultana Maharatu Mas Makhota of Pontianak*

On the 19th of june 2010 the last Dutch woman, who ever was queen of one of the 300 principalities of Indonesia died at the respectable age of 95.
It was Sultana Maharatu Mas Makhota of Pontianak, who was the wife of Sultan Syarif Muhammad Hamid II Alkadrie,who ruled 1945-1950(/3).
She was born 5-1-1915 in a plantantionfamily;but also already with a slight amount of royal blood in her,because her forefather was the adatuang (raja) of Sidenreng in SW-Sulawesi:La Wawo (ruled 1831-1837).
In the end of the 1930-ies she married the young prince Pangeran Syarif Hamid Alkadrie,
who then was the 2nd in line in the succesion of his father.
She begot 2 children, of which only a son Max Yusuf Alkadrie is still alive.
After the Japanese had murdured in 1944 many royals of West-Kalimantan, she became to her surprise in 1945 suddenly queen of Pontianak, when her husband was chosen as new sultan of Pontianak on 23-10-1945.
In the difficult time after the Indonesian independence declaration and before, that Holland gave total independence to Indonesia, the sultan sended his family to Holland for safety reasons and they never returned permamently to Indonesia.
During the difficult time for her husband (he was falsely accused of treason and after his release he was again in the 1960-ies sended to the prison for so-called rebellion), she always supported him and also never forgot Pontianak. Many things she did with the help of Dutch investors.
Her husband died 30-3-1978 and they always kept a high respect for each other.
Until very high age she always kept her interest in Indonesia and this high respectable and intellectual wife, who always had a mild effect on the Asian temperament of her husband, was rewarded with a statue in the garden of the sultan's palace.
In april 2010 her son Pangeran Syarif Max Yusuf Alkadrie went to Pontianak after 32 years;to meat his family, discuss family affairs and also to meet the Indonesian historian Mr. Henny Mahendra from Jakarta, who was doing a research to show the truth, that the accusations,that Sultan Hamid II had betrayed the Indonesian revolution was 100% untrue.
Not long after the stephsister of Sultan Hamid II had died in Holland, also the sultana;
born as Dina (Didi) van Delden in Surabaya;had found now peace, that others now finally were working to clean the name of her so beloved husband.
Very peacefully on the 19th of june 2010 the Dutch queen of Pontianak died in her hometown of Den Haag.
She was one of the Dutch ladies,who had met an Indonesian crownprince and married him, so later became queen in an Indonesian monarchy.
Not only because of the status of her husband,but also because of her character, she was maybe one of the best known Dutch queens in Indonesia.
May she rest in peace and may her remembrance not be forgotten.

D.P. Tick gRMK

*Picture sended from Max Alkadrie

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Indigenous Stakeholders confirmed SEKADAU Palace

SEKADAU - Prince Mohammad Gusti Agung official Effendy served Indigenous Stakeholder Kusumanegara SEKADAU Palace on April 4, at the Masjid At-Taqwa SEKADAU Lower Village District Mungguk with relatives Kertanegara SEKADAU Palace. They claimed to upset due to the individual that claimed to act as an indigenous stakeholders.

"There is only one selected indigenous stakeholders and selected me. If there are others who say his name as a selected indigenous stakeholders through meetings or elections and that was a big mistake. Please direct questions to the elders SEKADAU Lower Palace, Park and Belitang Nanga, "stated holders who hold traditional palace of Prince Muhammad Gusti Agung Effendy via cellular.

Dede, a man who was also King's SEKADAU Culture, expressed his frustration due to the unbalanced coverage in one of the media. "I do not boast of that election. But this is just to set the record straight so that there is no misunderstanding readers, especially the elders court this before, "he continued.

Dede told, the selection of indigenous stakeholders Palace Kartanegara SEKADAU judged necessary and very urgent. That was done for the advancement and development of the palace, as well as relatives of a better palace. "Another consideration is also due to see the exact figures as stakeholders in the customary royal palace. In addition, holders of customary title is also very necessary for the smooth in the affairs of the palace, "he explained.

Dede told, about 100 relatives of people present at the meeting of the Palace Kartanegara election. After the election of Prince Effendy Muhammad Gusti Agung as the stakeholders directly confirmed indigenous elders of the indigenous sector SEKADAU District Lower Mt AB H Umar, District Parks Nanga Abang District Nahar and adat elders Belitang Effendi, Ade, and also known Prince Ihksan HRM Queen of the State of Sri Perdana, as the elders State Kesuma palace eastern sector V Sintang. (Gan)*



Also in Middle Timor the rajas come back

Middle: H.H Raja Vicentius R. Manek of Naitimu*

Timor is known as an island where the traditional social systems are one of the best preserved of Indonesia.
The middle part of Timor is known as the most traditional of the total island and of this area the north part of this area;known as the Belu area;is the more traditional than the s part of Belu.
One of the principalities there is the principality of Naitimu.Now lying in the sub-district, or kecamatan of Nanaet Dubesi.
In 2000;when the chances changed for the Indonesian dynasties to really come back in the social system,also in Belu plans were made for the official selection and installation of the several rajas of the area.
Belu is known as the area,where the Maromak Oan,or Emperor of Belu and theoretically of total Timor is living.He lives in S-Belu.
Because of some political facts then this selection of the rajas of Belu was more or less delayed for several years.
In the north part they know for instance the dasi ran principle.A raja must be a full blooded royal,or as much as possible.
That was still the case,when in 1878 Raja Taek Mauk of Naitimu in north Belu died and the full-blooded royal line could not be continued anymore. In the south of it lying Fialarang federation there were still full blooded,or dasi ran persons,so a request was made to Loro Atok Lulin of Fialarang to be able to adopt his son Prince Fahi Mauk as their new raja. That was accepted. Already the dynastic marriage contacts had existed before here.
When this raja died in 1890 he did not had children from his royal wife,so again a dasi ran prince had to be requested from a dynasty. Then a son of the Raja of Lidak and the Ratu of Jenilu (both nearby Naitimu) was allowed to be adopted as the new raja. This Raja Don Basenti da Costa ruled until his death in 1914.
Because he was in 1890 only 7 years old and his family wanted,that he had to finish f.i. his school first,a son of Raja Fahi Mauk from a not full-blooded royal wife,but nobility wife,
was installed as one of the regent-rajas of Naitimu with name Fettor (ruler's title) Yoseph Atok.
He ruled without complaints from anyone until 1894, when the new raja was installed.
This raja also had no children from his dasi ran wife, so again there would be a difficult situation.
But in 1914 Holland already had decided to take care more of the political situation on Timor for ca. 9 years and with them the contacts the missionaries could make with the local royalty and people had augmented.
The mission especial explained to them,that God for real respected their social system, in which many good things were, but that he had nothing against a raja,who was not a full-blooded royal.At that time it was already very difficult to find full-blooded royals here and of course it would be explained then, that God would accept a less full-blooded, or dasi ran royal, if no other royal would be available. Better a less dasi ran raja,than no raja at all, which would lead to chaos.
So then the son of the former good functioning Regent-Raja Yoseph Atok was accepted by all as the new raja:Raja, or Nai Frans Manek.
This raja was known as a very wise man.In the 2nd World War many rajas of Timor suddenly went to the Japanese side.For a part because of fear.
But Raja Frans Manek already had experienced the good things also Holland had brought to his area and decided to fight with his people as one of the 2 rajas in the Belu area for the Dutch cause in 1942.For that he became a very well-known raja.
He died in 1953 and was succeeded by Raja Balthasar Th. Siri.
But already at that time the younger brother of Raja Frans Manek;Prince Vicentius Mauk Atok;worked hard to stimulate his people to try to make their lives still better.
Even today the young people still talk about this prince,who dedicated his life for the well-being of Naitimu.
Raja Balthasar Th. Siri died 4 july 2001;being 88 years old.

After a selection time the royalty,nobility;with the consent of the people of Naitimu; decided to ask the grandson of the very popular Prince Vicentius Mauk Atok to be their new raja. This Prince Vicentius Rodriques Manek (born in 1969) already was then known as a prince with the same dedication and love for his people as his grandfather.
During a 3 days series of ceremonies and festivities;from the 5th until the 7th of june 2007; Raja Vicentius Rodriques Manek was installed as the new Raja,or Ama Nai Nanaet Dubesi by Raja Hendrik Tefa of nearby brother area of Mandeu.
The new Ratu of Naitumu is Ratu Florentina Christianti Manek;SH and the new crownprincess their oldest daughter Ratu Muda Elisabeth Oktaviani Manek.
No negetative emotions were shown at these solemn ceremonies.
They very much like,that the raja always socializes with his people.
This raja also comes from a long line of very important rajas from the principality of Fialarang.The first ruler of his dynastic clan:his greatgrandfather Raja Fahi Mauk(ruled 1878-1890)was the dasi ran son of the 11th loro of Fialarang:Loro Don Anthony Atok Lulin
(already known as crownprince of Fialarang in 1818).
The raja is proud about his history and culture and shares it with everyone.
Besides his duty as raja of Naitimu,he works in the network marketing business locally.

That the good God will bless him,so that he can be a real father for his people and a good father stimulates his children to make the very best of their live.

*Picture from The Collection of H.H Raja Vicentius R. Manek of Naitimu instead of Ruddy Manek


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Royals of the Savu-islands try to come back in power

South-west of the islands of Timor are lying the little archipelago of the Savu-islands.
Already in Dutch time it was a bit an isolated area, because of being less economical interesting and because it was not always easy in the old times to reach the area.
Nowadays;however;it is still remaining as one of the last remaining Indonesian areas, where the local culture remained unspoiled relatively.
The archipelago consists of 5 former principalities:Seba, Messara, Timu, Liae (on the main island) and the island of Raijua.
Together with the eastwards of it lying Rote archipelago it belonged to the kabupaten (district) Kupang on Timor in the modern time.
Some years ago Rote became an independent kabupaten, but Savu still remained with Kupang.
But also on this islandgroup the need to be a seperate kabupaten already was growing more and more and that resulted in the foundation of the kabupaten Sabu Raijua on the 29th of october 2008.
And with that event the royals of Savu also came back more and more in the local government. Before the relative isolated islands were ruled by rajas,or doae's,but the former religious rulers of the islands were still powerfull.
So not like on Timor and Rote, where the community development had been crystylized in a way, that the former wordly representatives of the religious rulers became the real rulers of the islands.
So after the Indonesian independence in 1945/49 the raja-dynasties of Savu were not rooted so strongly in the area as the raja dynasties of the nearby islands. So in fact still being in the process of rooting.
When the new kabupaten Sabu Raijua was founded 29-10-2008 the bupati ad-interim became Thobias Uly;a person, who had blood ties with the Fettor-Raja Tanya dynasty of Timu.
In december 2010 the election for a new bupati and vice-bupati of the archipelago will be held and it can be seen clearly, that the dynasties of the archipelago try to come back in the local government.
There are 3 pairs of future rulers for these government posts. In 2 of it 3 dynasties are represented.
In one of the teams to become bupati and vice-bupati we see Pieter Djamu Rebo with his vice-bupati running mate Dr. Origenes M. Boeky;nephew of the dynastychief of Messara:
Raja Muda Ferdinand H. Boeky.
The 2nd team is made up of Atu Radja Pono;direct descendant of Raja Elias Ludji Radja Pono of Seba (the biggest area of the archipelago;having ruled 1901-1906) and his vice-bupati running mate Dr. Bernhard Tanya;son of the last ruler of Timu;Fettor-Raja Saul We Tanja Ludji (1910-1950-ies) and brother of the last crownprince of Timu;Raja Muda Samuel Tanja, who also was before an important national politician.

All of these royals have sufficient local political experience.
We are waiting with anxious feelings, what will be the outcome of this election of one of the last areas in Indonesia, where the royalty come back in the local politics.

With thanks to the information sended by His Highness Raja Muda Cornelius A. Boeky;
brother of the chief of the raja dynasty of Messara:His Highness Raja Muda Ferdinand H Boeky.


Friday, April 16, 2010

Max Nico; son of Sultan Hamid II after 22 Years No Visit to Pontianak

Monday, April 12, 2010, 07:59:00

Childhood Relived, Crying When Visit the Tomb of Father

Hospitality: Max Prince Nico with his wife during a dialogue with the Sultan of Pontianak Sy. Abu Bakr Alkadrie Kadariah Palace, Pontianak, last night.

The atmosphere Kadariah Palace Pontianak, last night seemed so festive. Seen relatives gathered in the living room palace built by Sharif Abdurrachman Alkadrie in 1771 AD. Excitement that greeted the arrival of Sultan Hamid II's youngest son, Joseph, son of Sultan Sharif Hamid II, who was called Max Nico familiar. Although the Indonesian language is very minimal due to the length of stay in the land of windmills, but the conversations on the night it looked familiar. Some of the royal family are also many who speak fluent Dutch and English. Big in Holland, not forgetting to make Max Nico land of his fathers. Even according to the man who was born in Malang, January 11, 1942, the arrival to the city of Pontianak is awaited, after 22 years did not set foot in this equatorial city.

One by one, Max's relatives greeted Kadariah Palace and his wife. Not even a little of them crying, touched by seeing the arrival of Max. Meanwhile, Max and his own wife could not menyumbunyikan their compassion and happiness. "I've always longed to come to Pontianak. When set foot here, I already feel that this is my home, "said Max.Max tell you, coming to the city of Pontianak was already planned. By using a travel journey that ought to Jakarta, dimanfatkan Max and his wife visit to Pontianak. So that is time limited, the actually utilized to learn more about the history of the city of Pontianak. "Actually I wanted to stay very long. But because it follows the journey the travel, then only one week only. So Wednesday (14 / 4) before I had to go home, "he said.

He added again, many things at get it in Pontianak since his arrival last. Because up until now, he only knows the information about the City of Pontiac through his mother who is currently still in the Netherlands, and via the internet. Addition to meeting close relatives, previously on Friday (9 / 4) with the sovereign, he is also the time to visit his father's grave is located in Batu Layang funeral. The next day, he visited the tomb Juang foreman. "A lot of things that I got here. Like to see relatives, and visit the grave of my father, as well as to the Graveyard Juang foreman, makes me feel touched. So much so that my tears, especially when visiting the tomb of his father, "said Max, who is currently working in Holland as a psychologist.

According to the Sultan of Pontianak, Alkadrie Sharif Abu Bakar, who is a cousin of Max Nico, the son of Sultan Hamid's arrival was welcomed by courtiers. Since Max is the closest relative of the kingdom, where he was a son of the king's palace Kadariah Pontiac, and had not visited the city of Pontianak. "He was the last to the city of Pontianak on the death of Sultan Hamid in 1978. But then, he had only one week in Pontiac, and immediately returned to the Netherlands, "said Sy. Abu Bakr Alkadrie.

Nevertheless, the Sultan said, she could feel her childhood with Max. At the time of Sultan Hamid II, Sultan's Palace is still as Kadariah. "I remember watching him circumcised here, and is celebrated in this palace," said Sultan.Oleh therefore, take advantage of the moment of arrival of Max Nico, Sultan Palace Kadariah relatives gather, to bersilaturami , because the Sultan sure all the relatives really wanted to meet with Max. "The proof of all the relatives are gathered here. Blend into one. Telling about an old story to make us feel happy. Hopefully his arrival can again be repeated in future, "said Sultan.

All Document and Picture are translate and taken from Pontianak Post Newspaper

Translate from Bahasa by :
I. Festivana
Donald P. Tick

Monday, April 12, 2010

Royalty of Indonesia continues to preserve the age old culture

On 6 and 7 march the many dynasties and ruling families members of the Forum Silaturhami Keraton se Nusantara;one of the leading royal organisation of Indonesia, came together in Jakarta for a conference about the preservance of the age old culture (and history) of the dynasties amongst others.
It was good to see, that still these respected persons try to find the strength to work for this important goal.
Although there are several organisations of representation of the dynasties and ruling families in Indonesia, it is good to see,that these organisations still try to find some ways to keep contact with each other.
One of the themes during these days was the royal wedding culture of Indonesia.
In october 2010 the 2nd Indonesian Royal Palace Festival will take place in Jakarta, for which also representatives of European national nobility organisations showed interest.
These organisations have a big interest to exchange experiences as royalty/nobility in the modern time with the Indonesian royalty.

We wish them all strenght because of the Blessings of the Loving God.

I. Festivana
D.P. Tick gRMK

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Tomundo of Banggai;one of the 3 boy-kings of Indonesia

The principality in NE Sulawesi already exists as an united principality for ca. 410 years. It was founded by a son of the Javanese sultan of Banten, or by a representative of the sultan of Ternate. Maybe he was both.
For a long time Banggai;ruled by a raja with the title Tomundo,was under the influence of the sultan of Ternate in the N-Moluccans, but in ca. 1900 it was made totally independent from Ternate by Holland.
Mostly the Tomundo was chosen by the royal election council;a body of 4 members;from a certain line.
When Tomundo Haji Awaluddin died in 1939 after having been tomundo for 15 years his son Raja Muda Jaida was to young to succeed, so an important prince became a sort of raja in between:Raja Haji Sukuran bin Aminuddin Amir. This raja ruled until 1955 and was raja one way or another active until 1959. His son Raja Muda Muhammad Chair Amir (RM Hideo Amir) was from 1987 on the main representative of the dynasty.In 2008 the grandson of the oldest son of Raja H. Awaluddin was selected as new tomundo;the 22th;of Banggai.
At 16-1-2008 this raja was installed:Tomundo Ir. Haji Iskandar Zaman Awaluddin;SH.
He did much for the identity of Banggai.
He was very much respected and loved by the people of Banggai.
He died suddenly 27-1-2010.
One of the royal organisations of Indonesia did a lot to let the succesion of him happen in full harmony.
So later the oldest son of the deceased raja could be selected and recognized as the 23th tomundo of Banggai:Tomunda Muhammad Fiqran Ramadhan Iskandar. He now is raja under the regency of the younger brother of his father Raja Muda Irawan Zaman Awaluddin.
The boy-king of Banggai is 17 years old and one of the youngest kings of Indonesia.
The other boy-kings are the sultans of Deli (E-Sumatra) and of Sambas (W-Kalimantan).
The dynasty is still working hard to make verything very perfect in the dynastic network.

I. Festivana
DP Tick gRMK

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tidore (North-Maluku) has New Palace

Tidore, KOMPAS - Sultan Tidore 36th, Djafar Sjah, began living in kadaton-called Java-once the palace of the building was completely built in March 2010 in the City Tidore, North Maluku. This new history for the Sultanate Tidore for nearly a century old has not Tidore kadaton.
Building kadaton made similar kadaton original building.
- Djafar Sjah

Sultan Tidore Djafar Sjah, Sunday (28 / 3), said the development of new kadaton start was made in 1997 by the government. Because of limited funds allocated each year, phased construction and newly completed mid March 2010.

"Building kadaton kadaton made similar to the original building by looking at pictures ever made when it is colonizing the Netherlands and other historical evidence," he said.

After kadaton completely built, the Sultan and the Sultanate of customary holders Tidore, March 17 and then, spreading crown sodoro rituals, which transfer the crown of the Sultan to kadaton. Previously, the crown kept in museums in Tidore.

"The Emperor and the crown are two forces that are not integral. Therefore, both must be in its rightful place, namely in kadaton, "observers said the history of the Sultanate of Tidore, Lahman Saleh.

Kadaton building is a building that formerly was built in the reign of Sultan Muhammad Muttahiddin (1811-1831) in 1812. It takes about 50 years to complete the construction of which was given the name kadaton Kadato this Kie, or about the year 1861.

Muttahiddin post-Sultan, the sultan of development followed two successors, namely Sultan al Mansyur Ahmadul Mansyur Chalifahtullah Sirajuddin (1831-1856) and Sultan Ahmad Syaifudin (1856-1865).

The last sultan who occupy kadaton is Qawiuddin Syahdjuan Sultan Ahmad (1894-1905). Post-coup Sultan Syahdjuan inter-child descendant of Sultan for seven years. This condition is exploited by the Dutch colonizers direct lift of an emperor.

Prime Minister of the Sultanate of Tidore Nau Tjenge who holds the government at that time have destroyed kadaton as a form of resistance against Dutch colonial policy.

Pay officers kadaton

In sodoro ritual crown, the sovereign is not allowed to leave kadaton for 44 days. Every Sunday night and Wednesday night, the sovereign must remembrance praised room, where the crown is stored in kadaton.

Lahman Saleh added that the existence of kadaton and return the crown to the sultan and the momentum of rise kadaton Tidore Sultanate. "Ritual and other traditions that have long since have strived to be raised again so that citizens know their heritage and the positive values of each tradition," he said.

Djafar Sjah said, it could be performed if there is support from government funds. "Currently, we are still puzzled how to employ the officers in kadaton because there are no funds allocated," he said. (APA)

Picture & Document are from Kompas Article
(Link :


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Siak; a Major Power on Sumatra

Before the sultanate of Siak was one of the major powers in the East/N-part of Sumatra for a long time. Several small and little principalities were under it's sway. Later these all became independent, but always respected the historical position of the sultan of Siak.
Espacially the sultanate of Aceh was also an important player in the search for control of the area.
The last ruling sultan of Siak;Sultan Abdul Jalil Saifuddin V(rule (1908-)1915-1946); also known as Tengku Syarif Kassim II, ruled in a much turbulent time. In the independence struggle around WW II he was an important defendant of Indonesian independence.
Because of that he was made a national hero of Indonesia in 1998.
He died in 1968 and left no royal heirs. His brother had sons,but not from a royal wife.
So for a long time there was no official dynastychief of Siak.Some years ago that was changed.
The last ruling sultan was descendant of Sultan Abdul Jalil Saifuddin III( T. Sy. Kasim I;ruled 1864-88). This sultan had succeeded his older brother Sultan Abdul Jalil Saifuddin II(Raja Ismail),who ruled from 1827 and had to stop as sultan, because of his health.
Now the line of Sultan Abdul Jalil Saifuddin III/Sy. Kasim is extinct, the dynasty decided to continue with the line of his older brother.
The present chief of the sultan's dynasty of Siak is Haji Tengku Muhammad Muchtar Anum Raja;greatgrandson of the foremost last mentioned sultan, who is also described as Sultan Syarif Ismail Abdul Jalil Syafuddin II.

Siak is one of the important centres of East-Sumatra culture.

I. Festivana
D.P. Tick gRMK

Monday, March 22, 2010

Main Palace of the Emperor of Minangkabauw burnt down on 21th March, 2010

Some disasters are following the last time the Imperial dynasty of Minangkabauw,or Pagaruyung in West-Sumatra.
On 27-2-2007 THE symbol of Minangkabauwculture;but not the main palace of the imperial dynasty of Minangkabauw;the Istano Basa Pagaruyuang was burnt down.
At this moment the rebuilding activities are nearly finished so the new palace at Batusangkar could be reopened with big festivities. A joy for the Minangkabauw area and also of Indonesia in general a bit,because this palace is seen culturally as one of the main palaces of Indonesia.
But at 01.00 A.M. the main palace of the Imperial dynasty of Minangkabauw, or Pagaruyung;the Istano Silindung Bulan;also at Batusangkar;was burned down and now there were very strong proofs that is was set onfire.
The from wood built very traditional palace was burned down totally.
There are rumours going on now in all kind of networks on internet for instance,that it was done,because of a rivalry inside the network involved with traditional matters in the area,which would like to see promoted the nearlty rebuilt palace Istano Basa Pagaruyuang; a museum; as the main palace of the area,instead of the Istano Silindung Bulan.

We hope, that matters will be come to total harmony again.
We also hope to inform you in due time about this matter.

We thank Mr. M. Safuan from Malaysia for giving us a link on internet to the matter.

I. Festivana
D.P. Tick gRMK

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Very rare flower grows near royal graves(Selimbau)

In the life sometimes you can see very extraordinary matters, which you can not explain at all. We only can see it then as one of the many miracles of God.
One of it is the place, where the legendary black orchid is growing.
For lovers of orchids the name black orchid is a very legendary one. Does it really exists, or not?
In 2007 2 people from the district of Kapuas Hulu in West-Borneo (West-Kalimantan) found these very beautifull flowers.
The men;called Uju Suharman and Abeng;founded the flowers growing near the royal graves of the rajas of the very ancient kingdom of Selimbau.
They were stunned by their beauty and talked about it to a youth leader in Selimbau called Mr. Muhamad Walidad.
He to went to the area,where the flowers are growing;an area of ca. 5 ha near the graves of the royal family of Selimbau;besides also growing on nearby lying trees.
Then he went to the government of the district of Kapuas Hulu and also there were talks with the traditional leaders of Selimbau and of course also with the nominal king of Selimbau:Raden Muhammad Asbi Assidiqi. He is the grandson of the last ruling raja of Selimbau:Pangeran Gusti Haji Muhammad Usman, who died in 1925.
Then the chief of the district;the bupati:Bupati Drs. Abang Tambul Husin (a local royal too),
the local king:Raden Muhammad Asbi Assidiqi, local traditional and community leaders came together end 2008 for an important meeting, what important measures there had to be taken to protect this very rare and very beautifull (and very legendary) black orchid;growing near the royal graveyard of the rajas of Selimbau.
It then was declared, that the area would be a special protected area under strict protection from the government. Stealing of the flowers would be punished with very heavy fines per flower.
Of course the area could be visited after permission only and under guidance of the local government.
In the mean time Mr. Muhamad Walidad kept on visiting the area to look after the condition of the legendary flowers.
The area of the royal graveyard of the rajas of Selimbau in Kapuas Hulu district now could become a very important touristic site.
It is hoped, that all will be enjoyed in a very wise way by visitors under the guidance of the local government.
Until now this place is not very well-known,but if the very many orchid lovers of the world knows,that the black orchid really exists and that the royal graveyard of Selimbau is the rare site for it, it could be a very busy visited place in the future.

How a little kingdom like Selimbau could become a famous place in the modern time!

D.P. Tick gRMK
I. Festivana

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Royal Indonesian Wedding Festival Take Place on March 6, 2010

On 6 march the Forum Silaturahmi Keraton se Nusantara (the Cooperation of Friendship of the Indonesian Dynasties/FSKN) will held a special royal festival dedicated to the rich and very variated royal wedding culture of Indonesia.
The 1 day festival will take place in Sasono Utomo TM II building in Jakarta and will be opened already by the celebrity Mr. Menko Kesra at 9.00 in the morning.
The festival is of course open for the public.
Royal and Princely dynasties from several places of the Indonesian archipelago will show their centuries old wedding ceremonies, special wedding clothes, special wedding music, etc.
A few of them, who display and present their palace wedding culture are:the sultan's dynasty of Bulungan (East-Kalimantan), the sultan's dynasty of Siak (East-Sumatra), the pangeran dynasty of Gebang (Cirebon-area/West-Java) and the sultan's dynasty of Pontianak(West-Kalimantan).
The festival also will be attended by several kings,rajas,dynastychiefs and the like of areas all over Indonesia.
The royal wedding culture of Indonesia is one of the most interesting subjects of the general and royal culture.

We hope to be able to put some reports about it later.