Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Tomundo of Banggai;one of the 3 boy-kings of Indonesia

The principality in NE Sulawesi already exists as an united principality for ca. 410 years. It was founded by a son of the Javanese sultan of Banten, or by a representative of the sultan of Ternate. Maybe he was both.
For a long time Banggai;ruled by a raja with the title Tomundo,was under the influence of the sultan of Ternate in the N-Moluccans, but in ca. 1900 it was made totally independent from Ternate by Holland.
Mostly the Tomundo was chosen by the royal election council;a body of 4 members;from a certain line.
When Tomundo Haji Awaluddin died in 1939 after having been tomundo for 15 years his son Raja Muda Jaida was to young to succeed, so an important prince became a sort of raja in between:Raja Haji Sukuran bin Aminuddin Amir. This raja ruled until 1955 and was raja one way or another active until 1959. His son Raja Muda Muhammad Chair Amir (RM Hideo Amir) was from 1987 on the main representative of the dynasty.In 2008 the grandson of the oldest son of Raja H. Awaluddin was selected as new tomundo;the 22th;of Banggai.
At 16-1-2008 this raja was installed:Tomundo Ir. Haji Iskandar Zaman Awaluddin;SH.
He did much for the identity of Banggai.
He was very much respected and loved by the people of Banggai.
He died suddenly 27-1-2010.
One of the royal organisations of Indonesia did a lot to let the succesion of him happen in full harmony.
So later the oldest son of the deceased raja could be selected and recognized as the 23th tomundo of Banggai:Tomunda Muhammad Fiqran Ramadhan Iskandar. He now is raja under the regency of the younger brother of his father Raja Muda Irawan Zaman Awaluddin.
The boy-king of Banggai is 17 years old and one of the youngest kings of Indonesia.
The other boy-kings are the sultans of Deli (E-Sumatra) and of Sambas (W-Kalimantan).
The dynasty is still working hard to make verything very perfect in the dynastic network.

I. Festivana
DP Tick gRMK

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