26 November, one of the 2 big royal festivals of Indonesia;the Festival Keraton Nusantara VII(FKN VII);has been opened in the city of Palembang in South-Sumatra.
The host wil be Sultan Iskandar Mahmud Badaruddin of Palembang (one of the 2 sultans here) and the local government.
It will be attended by 108 dynasties and ruling families and it was the plan to let it open by President Susilo Bambang Yudhyono of Indonesia.
The festival is organised by 4 of the 5 royal organisations in Indonesia;namely:
Forum Informasi dan Komunikasi Keraton Nusantara(FKIKN), Asosiasi Kerajaan dan Kesultanan Indonesia(AKKI), Forum Kerajaan dan Kelembagaan Adat Sulawesi (FKKAS;a royal organisation focussed namely on the Bugis,Makassarese and Mandar area on Sulawesi),
and Forum Silaturahmi Keraton Nusantara(one of the 2 organisations with that name).
The festival;a display of culture and history of Indonesia;a country with ca. 300 imperial, royal and princely dynasties;will last from 26-28 november and will be for the most part open for the general public.
Such royal festivals are very unique matters in Asia and has a stimulating effect on the consousness of the people of Indonesia for their own local culture in this so-called modern time.
We hope to provide in due time more information about this royal Indonesia festival in due time.
DP Tick gRMK
I. Festivana
The host wil be Sultan Iskandar Mahmud Badaruddin of Palembang (one of the 2 sultans here) and the local government.
It will be attended by 108 dynasties and ruling families and it was the plan to let it open by President Susilo Bambang Yudhyono of Indonesia.
The festival is organised by 4 of the 5 royal organisations in Indonesia;namely:
Forum Informasi dan Komunikasi Keraton Nusantara(FKIKN), Asosiasi Kerajaan dan Kesultanan Indonesia(AKKI), Forum Kerajaan dan Kelembagaan Adat Sulawesi (FKKAS;a royal organisation focussed namely on the Bugis,Makassarese and Mandar area on Sulawesi),
and Forum Silaturahmi Keraton Nusantara(one of the 2 organisations with that name).
The festival;a display of culture and history of Indonesia;a country with ca. 300 imperial, royal and princely dynasties;will last from 26-28 november and will be for the most part open for the general public.
Such royal festivals are very unique matters in Asia and has a stimulating effect on the consousness of the people of Indonesia for their own local culture in this so-called modern time.
We hope to provide in due time more information about this royal Indonesia festival in due time.
DP Tick gRMK
I. Festivana
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