SEKADAU - Prince Mohammad Gusti Agung official Effendy served Indigenous Stakeholder Kusumanegara SEKADAU Palace on April 4, at the Masjid At-Taqwa SEKADAU Lower Village District Mungguk with relatives Kertanegara SEKADAU Palace. They claimed to upset due to the individual that claimed to act as an indigenous stakeholders.
"There is only one selected indigenous stakeholders and selected me. If there are others who say his name as a selected indigenous stakeholders through meetings or elections and that was a big mistake. Please direct questions to the elders SEKADAU Lower Palace, Park and Belitang Nanga, "stated holders who hold traditional palace of Prince Muhammad Gusti Agung Effendy via cellular.
Dede, a man who was also King's SEKADAU Culture, expressed his frustration due to the unbalanced coverage in one of the media. "I do not boast of that election. But this is just to set the record straight so that there is no misunderstanding readers, especially the elders court this before, "he continued.
Dede told, the selection of indigenous stakeholders Palace Kartanegara SEKADAU judged necessary and very urgent. That was done for the advancement and development of the palace, as well as relatives of a better palace. "Another consideration is also due to see the exact figures as stakeholders in the customary royal palace. In addition, holders of customary title is also very necessary for the smooth in the affairs of the palace, "he explained.
Dede told, about 100 relatives of people present at the meeting of the Palace Kartanegara election. After the election of Prince Effendy Muhammad Gusti Agung as the stakeholders directly confirmed indigenous elders of the indigenous sector SEKADAU District Lower Mt AB H Umar, District Parks Nanga Abang District Nahar and adat elders Belitang Effendi, Ade, and also known Prince Ihksan HRM Queen of the State of Sri Perdana, as the elders State Kesuma palace eastern sector V Sintang. (Gan)*
*Source: http://www.equator-news.com
"There is only one selected indigenous stakeholders and selected me. If there are others who say his name as a selected indigenous stakeholders through meetings or elections and that was a big mistake. Please direct questions to the elders SEKADAU Lower Palace, Park and Belitang Nanga, "stated holders who hold traditional palace of Prince Muhammad Gusti Agung Effendy via cellular.
Dede, a man who was also King's SEKADAU Culture, expressed his frustration due to the unbalanced coverage in one of the media. "I do not boast of that election. But this is just to set the record straight so that there is no misunderstanding readers, especially the elders court this before, "he continued.
Dede told, the selection of indigenous stakeholders Palace Kartanegara SEKADAU judged necessary and very urgent. That was done for the advancement and development of the palace, as well as relatives of a better palace. "Another consideration is also due to see the exact figures as stakeholders in the customary royal palace. In addition, holders of customary title is also very necessary for the smooth in the affairs of the palace, "he explained.
Dede told, about 100 relatives of people present at the meeting of the Palace Kartanegara election. After the election of Prince Effendy Muhammad Gusti Agung as the stakeholders directly confirmed indigenous elders of the indigenous sector SEKADAU District Lower Mt AB H Umar, District Parks Nanga Abang District Nahar and adat elders Belitang Effendi, Ade, and also known Prince Ihksan HRM Queen of the State of Sri Perdana, as the elders State Kesuma palace eastern sector V Sintang. (Gan)*
*Source: http://www.equator-news.com
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