On the 26th of october 2009 the 11 th Yang Dipertuan Besar of Negri Sembilan federation was installed as the crown of a ca. week long installation ceremonies in this Malaysian federal royal member state.
The new king;Tuanku Muhriz;was chosen 29-12-2008 as such by the 4 eligible member rulers of the Negri Sembilan federation as succesor to his shortly before deceased uncle Tuanku Jaafar.
Already enough has been written about this installation before, so it would be a bit unnessarily to write again elaborately about it.
Only it was an extraoridinary fact,that an Indonesian king and his queen were also attending officially.
It is Sutan Taufik Thaib gelar Yang Dipertuan Tuanko Mudo Mangkuto Alam of Pagaruyung.
The reason for it, was that some centuries ago the present ruling system of the Negri Sembilan federation;a by Minangkabauw from Sumatra peopled area;took shape, when the member states went to their old homeland on Sumatra to ask the Emperor of the Minangkabauw peoples there to give them a prince of his dynasty to be the first ruler of an united Negri Sembilan.
And so it happened.
The historical contacts with the long ago departed homeland remained very strong again ever since and that is why this ceremonial bond between the 2 areas was made in the open again by the attending of the king of the Minangkabauw area on Sumatra;also called the Emperor of Pagaruyung. He is seen on the 2nd picture.
Somewhere in the audience was the ruler of an other seperate Minangkabauw area;the close to Negri Sembilan attached area Naning in Malakka. The Dato Undang with name Abdul Latif of Naning will be shown in due time attending the event.
The installation itself was also attended by Malaysia royalty and the crown prince couple of Brunei.
The royal banquet afterwards was also attended by more royalty from all over Malaysia, the Sultan of Brunei with his near family, the Emperor of Pagaruyung with his wife and more very high dignitaries.
May all this be a blessing also for a wise rule of the new king of Negri Sembilan.
The new king;Tuanku Muhriz;was chosen 29-12-2008 as such by the 4 eligible member rulers of the Negri Sembilan federation as succesor to his shortly before deceased uncle Tuanku Jaafar.
Already enough has been written about this installation before, so it would be a bit unnessarily to write again elaborately about it.
Only it was an extraoridinary fact,that an Indonesian king and his queen were also attending officially.
It is Sutan Taufik Thaib gelar Yang Dipertuan Tuanko Mudo Mangkuto Alam of Pagaruyung.
The reason for it, was that some centuries ago the present ruling system of the Negri Sembilan federation;a by Minangkabauw from Sumatra peopled area;took shape, when the member states went to their old homeland on Sumatra to ask the Emperor of the Minangkabauw peoples there to give them a prince of his dynasty to be the first ruler of an united Negri Sembilan.
And so it happened.
The historical contacts with the long ago departed homeland remained very strong again ever since and that is why this ceremonial bond between the 2 areas was made in the open again by the attending of the king of the Minangkabauw area on Sumatra;also called the Emperor of Pagaruyung. He is seen on the 2nd picture.
Somewhere in the audience was the ruler of an other seperate Minangkabauw area;the close to Negri Sembilan attached area Naning in Malakka. The Dato Undang with name Abdul Latif of Naning will be shown in due time attending the event.
The installation itself was also attended by Malaysia royalty and the crown prince couple of Brunei.
The royal banquet afterwards was also attended by more royalty from all over Malaysia, the Sultan of Brunei with his near family, the Emperor of Pagaruyung with his wife and more very high dignitaries.
May all this be a blessing also for a wise rule of the new king of Negri Sembilan.
Donald P.Tick
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