He is also descendant of one of the sultans of Kutai and known, for always writing and talking about royal and general Kutai in an interesting way.
His Royal Highness Aji Pangeran Adipati Surya Adiningrat;the Crownprince of Kutai, with the Crownprincess H.R.H. Raden Puspa Kencana;accompagnied by a royal delegation will visit in may 2009;as representative of his father Sultan Aji Haji Mohammad Salehoeddin II, the Netherlands.
The meaning for this 2nd Kutai royal visit in 2 years to the Netherlands will be the promotion of the royal and general culture of Kutai (as a sultanate officially known as Kutai Kartanegara Ing Martadipura) the Kingdom of the (prosperous) Kutai and Kutai-Martadipura (a former statelett with whom it merged ca. 500 years ago).
Kutai is known as the oldest kingdom of Indonesia (already existing ca. 1600 years) and nowadays known as an area whose dynasty is able to show very much yearly of their culture and history.
The mostly yearly Eraufestival (remembrance of the settlement of the dynasty at his present residence;meant to uphold a good contact between the population and the royal family) is a good example of that.
The old and last used palace in the time, that the sultans still were ruling officially over Kutai is now a museum which displays royal and general local objects.
Nearby is the modern, but built in traditional style, palace, which is now the official residence of the sultan (although he lives mostly in a villa nearby).
The beautifull royal graves at 2 places (one near the old palace) and other items makes it very fascinating (and it makes you amazed, that nearly unknown, there is such an interesting place in Indonesia) to go there for a while.
Kutai is known for it's relaxed atmosphere.
Very beautifull nature nearby.
The royal city of Tenggarong along the Mahakam-river is a nice place. Kutai is the most prosperous area(oil;also it is called "the Brunei of Indonesia") of Indonesia and it is also a rare place,where prosperity has preserved the old culture (and atmopshere).
The in Holland as Aji Arifin born crownprince(his father studied at a Dutch university in the 1950-ies) is a governmentofficial (like his father was before) and;because of the age of his father (83 years) he is more and more representing his father and the local government at royal meetings,promotionactivities, ritual meetings,etc.
His father still maintains in a wonderfull and strong way his role as King of Kutai;at least as a focuspoint for the cultural identity of the Kutai area.
Because of the works of the previous Bupati of Kutai Kartanegara, Dr. Syaukani, Kutai could see many stimulating activities to preserve the rich and interesting royal culture of Kutai.
It is wonderfull to see, that even outside Java the young Indonesian generation is very eager to listen and learn from the older generations the old dances,the old histories, the old music,etc.All are proud also to have preserved their old culture.
That is very nice to experience in Indonesia: the motto of the coat of arms of Indonesia is Bhineka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity) and espacially in the last years the young schoolgoing people are teached the meaning and ability to perform their old culture.
The present crownprince and crownprincess of Kutai play a major role in such activities together with the Sultan and other members of the dynasty.
From 21 may until 1 june 2009 there will be the very big Indonesian fair in Den Haag/Holland: the Tong Tong Festival (very near the Central Railway station).
The royal delegation of Kutai with a cultural general delegation will attend this festival.
Very precious and interesting:nowadays rarely such high Indonesian royals visit the Netherlands, with whom it was connected in the past also in good ways.
Probably the royal delegation (they will have a special contactplace at the festival) will stay in Holland for ca. 1 1/2 week.
More precise details we hope to give you as soon as possible after messages received from the local government and royal dynasty.
D.P. Tick
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