When the first raja of Sikka; Moang Ratu Dom Alesu Ximenes da Silva; came back from Malakka after a trip,where he tried to find the country of peace(but found instead the relgion of peace), he had in his possesion some dignity sticks. One of them he gave to a ruler in one of the 2 semi-vasal areas of Sikka: KangaE.
That dignitystick with a golden knob was given to Moang Goleng. Then he made a sort of Raja. From then on the rulers of KangaE considered themselves as raja, but Sikka always said,that they were part of the bigger Sikka principality.
Never really they totally amde them selves free from the contacts with Sikka.
In KangaE there was not a real centralised government.
In 1902 there was still much tension of Sikka with his rival larantuka to the est, so the Dutch found it better to create a more centralised principality of KangaE as a bufferstate between the 2 rivals.
Raja Moang NaE was made in 1902 raja and became really totally independent in 1907.
Lter they Dutch east Indish Government found it better tio cenrtalise some areas, so also this mountain area of KangaE became in 1923 a part of Sikka and Raja NaE officially abdicated as ruler 9-11-1925.After 1923 the rulers of KangaE were called Kapitan.
Raja NaE died in 1930.After his abdication none of his sons were considered as suitable to become ruler of KangaE. So a son of an uncle of Raja NaE;Moang Petrus Jacobus Bapa Mekeng became Kapitan.This in 1902 born prince was the highest educated of his area.
At that time he also married a noblewoman attached to the palace of the Moang Ratu/raja of Sikka.
In 1948 (the powervacuum area) the KangaE people wanted to restore their wished independence and also the Kapitan was not against it. After some fights the peace was restored again,but the Kapitan had to step down.
The a son of a brother of raja NaE became Kapitan; both of a bit reduced area: Ili Wetakara (ca. 90 % of old KangaE) :Kapitan MoE Bura.
After some years he was succeeded by the son of a brother of his father: Kapitan Alo Radja Lewa,who ruled for 3 years.Then succeeded by the brother of this Kapitan: Kapitan Petrus Radja Lewa, who ruled 2 years.The last Kapitan of KangaE/Ili Wetakara was another brother called Kapitan Johan Radja Lewa,who ruled for 3 years (still alive in 2000). Then the area became a more civil sub-district.
So you say,that the raja dynasty of KangaE now has 2 branches,whose chiefs are considered as co-dynastychiefs.
Moang Josef Blasius Bapa Mekeng is considered as one of them.He was born
3-2-1938 as 2nd son of his father. The oldest son died as a 1 month old baby. His wife is Donna Alfreda Ximenes da Silva; daughter of the last Raja of Sikka: Don Sentis Ximenes da Silva (regent before and nominal-raja 1954-1985).
This present co-dynastychief of KangaE has a long experience in the politics, transport business and also in the agriculture. From 1992-1997 he was member of the national parliament, then succeeded by his oldest son Moang Melkius Bapa Mekeng. His son was from 1999-2004 member of the consultatitive section of the Indonesian parliament and from 2004-2009 he will be the general member (DPRI) of the Indonesian parliament. His name is Melcias Marcus Mekeng (so also his father Mekeng in his name insead of Meheng) and as born 8-2-1963 married to Maria Lautentia Widyana and they have 3 children
Now the dynastychief runs his own financial company in Jakarta.
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