Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Sultan of Cirebon-Kanoman;another Indonesian King, Who Saves The Local Identity

The last years the present sultan of Cirebon-Kanoman was much in the news. He belongs to a quite nationalistic dynasty, who also had some quite strong opinions about it's position. Cirebon is one of the most early islamic kingdoms of Indonesia.Some say, that you can very good feel the traditional atmosphere of Indonesian in Cirebon. The Cirebon kings are descendants of Sunan Gunung Jati; one of the original bringers of the islam to Java. His son Hassanuddin became the first king of Banten in West-Java and from the brother of this king;Pangeran Pasarean;descends the kings of Cirebon. After the death of Pangeran Giri Laya of Cirebon in 1662 his kingdom was divided into 3 areas among his sons with a special roulating system of succesion. When king of the first branch died, than a prince of the 2nd branch became the crownprince there,etc. That system ended later. In the 18th century even a 4th branch of the dynasty began to rule. So now you had the Cirebon branches of Kanoman (2nd most important), Kasepuhan (1st one), which were both sultans. Then the pangeran branch of Kacirebonan (3rd most important) and the Panembahan branch of Kaprobonan (who only delivered 3 rulers for a relative short time, but continued to exist a a dynastic branch). In 1819 the remaining 3 branches were abolished as ruling dynasties, but continued as keepers of the traditions in all it's aspects. As such they were discovered in the independence struggle after WW II. Already before the greatgrandfather of the present sultan;Sultan Anom Raja Nurbuat (1934-1935) asked to be more recognized as a real sultan with a full title like his forefathers. It was then the time, that the Dutch East-Indish government was thinking of restoring abolished dynasties in Indonesia as the first steps to give back the government responsibilities to the local people of Indonesia. The son of Sultan Anom Raja Nurbuat;Sultan Anom Muhammad Nurus (1935-1989);even asked after WW II to be a ruling sultan again and hoped, that Cirebon would become one kingdom. His son Sultan Anom Muhammad Djalaluddin;father of the present sultan of Cirebon-Ka-noman;ruled until his death in 2002. This sultan continued the restoration of at least the cultural function of the dynasty. His oldest son of his royal wife was the later Sultan Elang Muhammad Emiruddin;born in 1973. The a few months older brother of the latter had actually a non-royal mother, so according to the traditional rules of succesion he was not the 1st eligible person to become a sultan:Pangeran Elang Muhammad Saladin. For some reasons later mentioned Prince Saladin assisted much his father in his function a sultan.His father had also symphaty for the idea, that this prince would have a chance to become a sultan. But the dynasty network thought, that it was better,that the tradition would be maintained. Sultan Anom Muhammad Djalaluddin died 18-11-2002. His brother then was temporary-sultan for a while to sort out things. Suddenly Prince Saladin let install himself as sultan in the palace (5-3-2003). One of the reasons for it was, that his close family found, that the health problems of his full-royal brother was a point of consideration, wether he could be a good sultan, or not. The day thereafter in a bigger ceremony Sultan Elang Muhammad Emiruddin was installed as 12th king of Cirebon-Kanoman. The recognition of the local government for one of the 2 royals was not immediately there. Sultan Emiruddin had after a while enough of the unharmonious atmosphere in the palace and removed his brother Saladin and his followers from the palace. In Indonesia you can see, that the government also likes to see one king only living in the palace. This present sultan of Cirebon-Kanoman is a special king actually. When he was 9 years old he got a trouble with his ears and when he was 16 his ability to hear ceased to exist. But, which is mostly the case, when a sense-organ ceased to function;other sense-organs are sharpened. The young Prince Emiruddin developped a very sharp eye for the details of the weaving - and other local culture. Espacially the local batik is his specialism. From that he could make his later work.That work and specialism had resulted in fascinating batik exhibitions he organise regulalry in his aim to preserve the true local culture. In this he is supported by his dynastic near family. The sultan married in 2000 with Sultana Ratu Dian Astuti. On 11-12-2001 the present crownprince of his branch was born:Pangeran Raja Muhammad Qodirudin. It is also hoped,that the harmony in the dynasty can be restored completely. The Kanoman dynasty is known for it's firm conviction for it's own opinion, but for his willingness to listen to people with other opinions. It is wished, that this talent will be used for the good.

D.P. Tick gRMK
I. Festivana

Indonesia Royal Pictures Online

Malaysia and Brunei show their royalty online in abundance,but the (so-called non-ruling) dynasties of their neighbours in Indonesia and the Philippines are hard to find in pictures on internet. Only maybe in social network pages of sites like facebook, etc. of royalty from there. But then you must know many names of Indonesia royals.
Sometimes you find a rare,but beautifull exception.
When you search for molied.multiply.com Sultan Ternate,then you find some interesting and beautifull recent photoseries about Sultan Mudafar Syah II of Ternate.
This sultan is known for his hard work to preserve the ages old royal traditions and it's functioning in the social network and his functioning as moral king of his people.
I wish all of you a nice and interesting time, while looking at these pictures.

Thank you for your interest.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Raja from Papua Dies

On the 29th of november 2009 one of the most important rajas of Papua died:Raja Ismail Bauw.
Like his father Raja Ibrahim Bauw:ruled from 1946 and died 1994 , he was an important political leader in Papua.
In the begining of the 1960-ies,when there was the matter of Papua would join Indonesia finally;he tried to keep Indonesia one,so not all kind of independent states in the former Dutch East-Indies.
His son Crownprince Ismail Bauw was then the sub-district chief of the Fak Fak area.
Already soon the crownprince took over the political leadership of his father.
Raja Ismail Bauw as a young politician was in the beginning very much in favour to keep Indonesia one, But later in his more older and mild years he also could understand the ideas of Papuan people, who wished more autonomy for the area.
A big part of his life he was political active. In 1999 he was still the candidate for the local parliament.
The historical grown role of the rajas in Papua is still functioning as a part of the social system.
Before they were under the paramount rule (sometimes at least nominally) of the sultanate of Tidore in the North-Moluccans. The representative of the Tidore sultan in Papua was the raja of Lilinta on the island of Misool in the Raja Ampat islands (before the west coast of Papua).
Locally the raja of Lilinta was represented by the raja of Rumbati, who also was a paramount raja in big parts of the Onin, or Bomberai peninsula.During the course of the history several parts of the Rumbati principality became independent principalities themselves.
Raja Ismail Bauw was already sick for some time.
May his sole can take part in the eternal peace and that his succesor will be a leader with wisdom.


D.P. Tick gRMK
I. Festivana

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Datu of Luwu

Datu Andi Iwan Alamsyah Bau Djemma Barue of Luwu with his wife

In the very old time the rulers of Buginese Kingdom of Luwu were the main powers on the island of Sulawesi, which held sway over many Toraja peoples to. Later the kingdoms of Bone and Gowa in SW-Sulawesi began to be more powerfull, but Luwu remained a big power, having it's sphere of influence in a big area. So nowadays several non-Luwu districts/kabupatens on Sulawesi still have a very strong traditional relationships with Luwu. The datu's of Luwu also always stayed very selfconfident. Until the end of the Dutch rule in Indonesia. Of course the datu's also saw the good sides of Dutch rule, but always wanted to have independence for their area and country. The last in this line of freedomseekers kings was Datu Andi Djemma Barue (a later national hero). He ruled 1936-1946(deposed) and 1949-1959 as king;from 1957-1960 as bupati of Luwu. He died in 1965.His son Andi Achmad was bupati of Luwu 1968-1972.The traditional postion of his dynasty always remained strong.In the present time of revival of the cultural and social value of the Indonesian dynasties also here that has not happened without problems. In Luwu the succesion always was settled with the rule, that the new king,or queen had to be descended as much as possible form former monarchs. That is the so-called "being of pure royal blood" principle. Nowadays some dynasties, which did not use the latter principle of succesion also try to use the principle "a monarch will be followed by the oldest child". The hereby depicted Datu Iwan Alamsyah Bau Djemma Barue is the oldest son of Andi Bau Djemma gelar Tellu PoccoE, who is the only son from the marriage of Datu Andi Djemma Barue with his fullblooded royal daughter of a raja of Bone(the also as Indonesian national hero recognized Arumpone/Raja Andi Mappanjuki). He was installed as datu of Luwu in 2006. Before he already was considered as the semi-official dynastychief, but in 2003 some people in the dynasty network thought it also good to use the principle "oldest child is succesor", so another grandchild of Datu Andi Djemma Barue was respected from that time as the main person in the datu dynasty. This princess is Datu Andi Luwu;the daughter of the oldest son of Datu Andi Djemma, who always was a big help of his father before and also an important person in the independence struggle in Luwu after WW II. Nowadays you see, that also the traditional values are restored in Luwu in which the dynasty also plays an important role. You can see, that we live now in a time, where the good things of the old time are taken back and the unneccesary things are left behind. Also here it is hoped, that wishes of harmony will remain.

D.P. Tick gRMK
I. Festivana

The picture is from the collection of Forum Silaturahmi Keraton se-

Friday, November 13, 2009

Indonesian King attends Royal Installation in Malaysia

On the 26th of october 2009 the 11 th Yang Dipertuan Besar of Negri Sembilan federation was installed as the crown of a ca. week long installation ceremonies in this Malaysian federal royal member state.
The new king;Tuanku Muhriz;was chosen 29-12-2008 as such by the 4 eligible member rulers of the Negri Sembilan federation as succesor to his shortly before deceased uncle Tuanku Jaafar.
Already enough has been written about this installation before, so it would be a bit unnessarily to write again elaborately about it.
Only it was an extraoridinary fact,that an Indonesian king and his queen were also attending officially.
It is Sutan Taufik Thaib gelar Yang Dipertuan Tuanko Mudo Mangkuto Alam of Pagaruyung.
The reason for it, was that some centuries ago the present ruling system of the Negri Sembilan federation;a by Minangkabauw from Sumatra peopled area;took shape, when the member states went to their old homeland on Sumatra to ask the Emperor of the Minangkabauw peoples there to give them a prince of his dynasty to be the first ruler of an united Negri Sembilan.
And so it happened.
The historical contacts with the long ago departed homeland remained very strong again ever since and that is why this ceremonial bond between the 2 areas was made in the open again by the attending of the king of the Minangkabauw area on Sumatra;also called the Emperor of Pagaruyung. He is seen on the 2nd picture.
Somewhere in the audience was the ruler of an other seperate Minangkabauw area;the close to Negri Sembilan attached area Naning in Malakka. The Dato Undang with name Abdul Latif of Naning will be shown in due time attending the event.

The installation itself was also attended by Malaysia royalty and the crown prince couple of Brunei.
The royal banquet afterwards was also attended by more royalty from all over Malaysia, the Sultan of Brunei with his near family, the Emperor of Pagaruyung with his wife and more very high dignitaries.

May all this be a blessing also for a wise rule of the new king of Negri Sembilan.

Donald P.Tick

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Present Situation of the Pakualaman Dynasty (Yogjakarta-area)

YOGYAKARTA - Puro Pakualaman internal conflict since 1999 seems to have ended earlier. After waiting for a family reconciliation for 10 years there was no clarity, some son of the late KGPAA Paku Alam VIII in the near future will hold the event jumenengan Paku Alam IX.

"Until now jumenengan Paku Alam IX has never existed. If there is any feeling has become Paku Alam IX, go ahead. As a family we do not recognize," said KPH Anglingkusumo, one the son of Paku Alam VIII accompanied by two younger brother and KPH KPH Songkokusumo time Widjojokusumo held a press conference on Friday Pakualaman Sewotomo Ward (16/10) yesterday.

"Insha Allah time soon. We're waiting for the right time," added Widjojokusumo.

Half jokingly, Angling said that if the present, one brother KPH Ambarkusumo often called the PA, then he was also greeted with calls PA.

"PA is one that Mr. Ambar, if I'm Mr. Angling," he said with a smile.

Plan jumenengan Paku Alam IX by Anglingkusumo and brother-sister did not seem to escape the emergence of case-ground enclosure Pakualaman Ground (PAG) in a number of locations in the later Kulonprogo.

Fixing action that makes some locals nervous. Aftermath of the case, the Regent Kulonprogo Toyo S Dipo chance to speak. Like Radar Jogja proclaimed Wednesday (14/10), after meeting with the Association of All Indonesian village device (APDESI) Kulonprogo, Toyo expressed doubt support the establishment of RUUK DIJ.

The reason, he was concerned with the set Paku Alam felt strongly that it can act arbitrarily. Case enclosure unilaterally claimed status PAG, said Regent is one example.

Responding to accusations that Toyo, both Angling and asked regents Kulonprogo technocrats do not generalize gebyah eyebrows salt Puro Pakualaman relatives.

Say, as an heir Paku Alam VIII, Angling said never assign or remove kekancingan against individuals or institutions on behalf of Paku Alaman lands set in Kulonprogo.

Until now Angling said he was still in office or such Kartiprojo Pengageng public works concurrently head of the office museum.Sedangkan Widjojo Pengageng Reh Njawi Ageng Kawedanan Magersari Affairs and Licensing.

"We do not know nothing about the action that has caused such unrest Kulonprogo citizens," he said.

Widjojo said that since his brother became jumenengan KPH Ambarkusumo Paku Alam IX inevitably arise in the neighborhood of the sun twin Puro Pakualaman.

Paku Alam VIII descendants split into camps. Ie Pakualaman The Kulon (Papilon) and Pakualaman Kikis Wetan (Pakistan). As the new ruler, after changing its name to Paku Alam IX, Ambarkusumo also formed a new cabinet, including the deal points Pengageng about land as a manageable field of technocrats.

Back jumenengan plan Paku Alam IX, Angling said it actually was ready to mobilize reconciliation with their brothers and other relatives.

He said the root cause of conflict is jumenengan Ambarkusumo Pakualaman and declarations of support Pakualaman relatives on April 6, 1999.

Questioning the validity of Angling jumenengan Ambarkusumo for KPH was sworn in by the Haryasudirja Sasraningrat have different beliefs Ambarkusumo. "Please ask the religious authorities whether it is legitimate," he said.

Declaration which was signed 12 relatives were also contain a statement to anyone who disagrees with jumenengan Ambarkusumo will be set aside because it is against the principle of service wewaler Kejawen and considered against the flow of public opinion even kasentanan Praja Pakualaman will betray the ideals of the founding fathers as well as endangering the existence of the dynasty Praja Pakualaman .

"The declaration should be revoked because it hurt our feelings as part of the heirs of Paku Alam VIII," he said.

Until the end of his life, Paku Alam VIII had eight children from two wives and Retnaningrum Kray Kray Purnamaningrum.

From Retnaningrum born Probokusumo KPH, Retno Sundari Bray, Bray Dewayani Retno, Anglingkusumo KPH, KPH Songkokusumo, Bray Retno Pudjawati, Dhoyokusumo and KPH KPH Widjojokusumo.

While the Purnamaningrum, KPH Ambarkusumo, Bray Retnomartani, KPH Gondhokusumo, Retno Suskamdani Bray, Bray Retno Rukmini, KPH Tjondrokusumo, Bray and Widanarni Retno Indrokusumo KPH.

Translate from Jawa Pos (http://jawapos.com/radar/index.php?act=detail&rid=120869)
Date Saturday October 17th, 2009

Translate By Donald & Festivana

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Wertuar;one of the 8 principalities of Papua island

Raja Musa Heremba and Ratu Wa Taribu Heremba Penunuh in the airplane in
november 2009,while going to the palace of the Indonesian president.

Indonesia has ca. 300 recognized dynasties,who ruled before over independent monarchies.These were ranging from empires,sultanates to big and small principalities. Nowadays these dynasties still fullfill it's role as cultural and historical identity points for the local populations at least.
The island of Papua also had principalities:8. Before the coast of Papua is an archipelago with 4 other principalities (west of it) and to the north is the little former principality of the Mapia islands. One of the Papua island principalities is the principality of Wetuar;lying west of the city of Kokas;one of the 3 main cities in the Onin-peninsula area, where all the 8 Papua principalities are lying.These areas are ruled by dynasties originating in the area, of mixed local/outside origin,or originally coming from the Moluccans.
The present dynasty of Wertuar is the Heremba clan and the present raja is Raja Musa Heremba, being the 10th ruler of the area. This clan delivered always the rulers of the area,but not always the raja. Before it was a sort of vasal-area of nearby principality of Rumbati;the former major power in the area. Between 1850 and 1870 it was neccesarily to install a seperate raja for the Wertuar area,so Raja Semempes was installed, who already was a coordinating man a bit there.He was the first and last raja of the old time,although his son Waraburi also is recognized as a sort of ruler of Wertuar,but probably without raja-title. Another source give different/additional info about former rajas of Wertuar. The Heremba clan was then already the Raja Muda clan (vice-raja) of Wertuar.They need to have a seperate raja of Wertuar came back strongly after a while. A certain Raja Muda Lakatey Heremba was installed as raja muda in 1886 and was found a good ruler enough to install him 20-11-1911as the first raja of Wertuar of his dynasty;but nominally still under the rule of the principality of Rumbati. It became total independent in the beginning of the 1920-ies,when the then raja also toook the raja-title. The strong ruler Raja Lakatey Heremba died in 1913 and was succeeded by his son Raja Paris Heremba. Also known as a dedicated ruler for his principality.
The main remaining area of the former principality of Wertuar is not so big, but all the Papua island principalities also have a commercial influence area, which before also more or less belonged to their existence. Raja Paris Heremba abdicated because of old age in 1952 and was succeeded by the last ruling raja of Wertuar:his son Raja Nazar Heremba. This raja ruled over an area consisted of 8 villages.
Nowadays these 8 are grouped into 5 official villages. The dynasty originally comes from the Baham area;the border area between the Onin peninsula and the rest of the island of Papua.They can consider Kramongga village as their residence village. Raja Nazar Heremba became after Papua was attached to Indonesian in the beginning 1960-ies an official in the local government. His father had witnessed the transitional period of Papua, because died in 1961. In his time Raja Nazar Heremba was known as the most educated raja of the area and known also for his very big dedication to bring development to his people. Still he is loved very much in the memory of the people of Wertuar.He died in 1988 and before his burial his son Raja Musa Heremba was chosen and installed as the 10th ruler of Wertuar 15-4-1988. That was done;even in the so-called modern time, by the traditional chiefs according to traditional rules. Later he also had to be recognized by the local government. Like his forefathers;Raja Musa Heremba is known for his caring for his people. He is now a high official at the department of transport of the district government of Fak Fak. From his marriage with Ratu Wa Taribu Heremba Penunuh he has 7 children, of which the oldest son;Raja Muda Abdul Mutalib Heremba;already was passed away before 2009. The succession in Wertuar doesn't go automatically from father to oldest son. The in 1955 born Raja Musa Heremba had an older brother called Raja Muda Umar Heremba, who died when he was 7 and some other brothers, but one way, or another the traditional chiefs and the important members of the dynasty choose for him as 10th ruler of Wertuar. The present crownprince of Wertuar is like him also not the oldest son:Raja Muda Umar Rifai Heremba is now 23 years. Wertuar is lying near the very important harbour of Kokas and in the Dutch time also had their as a a raja their main residence to be close to Dutch government;so lived in the same city as the raja of Sekar. Sometimes the rajas of this area were called the business rajas and they still have these talents until now. The existence of Wertuar as a seperate principality was not always undisputed,because in the past the rajas of Sekar tried to convince Holland to let Wertuar be considered as a part of Sekar.These requests were never rewarded. Now all is harmony here between the 2 dynasties,who are also through marriage related to each other. Nowadays also the raja dynasty of Wertuar is recognized by the other dynasties of Indonesia as a by history founded ruling family;being nowadays a focuspoint for local history and culture. The knowledge and feeling for these matters are nowadays still very much alive and the members of the local dynasties here also have an important place as members elected in the local government. This article could be made after several interviews with Ratu Muda Arwan Heremba S.IP. (the sister of Raja Musa Heremba), Raja Muda Umar Rifai Heremba (the crownprince of Wertuar)and Raja Muda Satria Paris Heremba (the nephew of Raja Musa Heremba). Of course we are extremely gratefull for all their friendly and valuable help during the interviews.

D.P. Tick gRMK
I. Festivana

Sambaliung get's a new sultan after 49 years

On the 19th of october 2009 Datu Fachruddin;the oldest surviving son of Sultan Mohammad Aminuddin of Sambaliung in East-Kalimantan;was installed as new sultan here.
The 66 year old sultan is one of the 17 children of the last ruling sultan of Sambaliung in the Berau district, who ruled as regent, sultan and later as areachief (of total Berau) from 1902 until his death in 1960.
The 4th son of the late sultan was for a long time the main representative of the dynasty.
Already 6 of his brothers and 9 of his sisters have died.
The last years he was quite busy with a project to make a forefather of him;called Raja Alam;a new National Hero of Indonesia.
This former ruler of Sambaliung between 1830-1834 and founder of a seperate Sambaliung,away from the Berau sultanate, was blamed to find no reason whatsoever to cooperate with Holland on any field and also working together with pirates, who made the area unsafe for international sea transport.
The new sultan is known as a friendly and humble person,who has time for everybody.
He didn't want to rush his installation as a new sultan,although it was clear for years, that he was the best candidate.
Now his patience is rewarded.
He is now, besides the sultan of Kutai Kartanegara;the 2nd sultan, who is installed.
He has taken however not yet the title of sultan, but pemangku adat(chief of the tradition).
Such royals with a similar title are also to be found in some other areas of East-Kalimantan like the nearby Gunung Tabur (the other area in Berau), Bulungan and the a bit more far lying Pasir, but these dignataries are not installed in such an official and elaborate way.
In Banjarmasin we only have a prince, which is chief of the dynastic organisation.

We all hope of course,that also this new king will be a source of identity for the local people.That this installation will really crrate a new feeling of compeleteness for everybody there.

May God blesses him.

D.P. Tick gRMK
I. Festivana

Indepence fighter symbol of Indonesian national territorial integrity

The statue that is now placed on the northern most island of Miangas is a signal to everybody in the world, that for stability in the world it would be good to recognize the settled boundaries.
Raja Bataha Santiago was a raja of Manganitu of the island of Sangir (north of Menado). He ruled from ca. 1666 until he was executed as an old man in 1675.
At that time there was a struggle going on between the Roman Catholic kingdom of Spain and the Protestant state of Holland in the archipelago.
Holland was then consolidating his position in this area, which was officially a vasal-area of the sultanate of Ternate.
Raja Bataha Santiago still kept on making rebellious atmosphere in the area to help Spain tp come back in the area. One time it was found enough and the sultan of Ternate then went to Sangir island to stop the unpeacefull atmosphere, imprisonned the raja and let him execute then.
300 years later the Indonesian government decided to proclaim Raja Bataha Santiago then as a national hero.
After his death Managnitu was decided into 2 parts for a while.
The island of Miangas was never a part of Manganitu principality,but was known as a semi-independent area before and also part of the principality of Kendahe-Tahuna (proba- bly only before of Kendahe) in the Nanusa-area.From 1912 it became part of the new principality of the Talaud-islands.
Spain;as colonial power in the Philippines;claimed the island and later that claim was inherited by it's succesor in the area the USA.
But the international law powers decided always in favour of Holland very easily.

DP Tick gRMK
I. Festivana

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Royal symbol of Indonesia still going strong

On the 26th of october 2009 His Royal Highness Sultan H. Aji Salehoeddin II of Kutai (officially plus Kartanegara Ing Martadipura) celebrated his 85th birthday as well as the 10th year of the installation of the sultan. That was done in the new palace;finished in 2002;and attended by many high government officials and other respected guests. In the special meetingplace of the palace for the guests;the pendoppo;the guests were entertained by special selected royal dances and delicious royal food. All is special about this sultan and his area. Although the total area of Kutai is now divided into several districts (kabupatens), the people of Kutai area still keep contact with it's dynasty. Kutai Kartanegara is also called the Brunei of Indonesia:because of it's oilwealth it is the richest area of Indonesia. Also some people calls it the Japan of Indonesia:Kutai is the oldest royal area of Indonesia;like Japan, which also has a very, very old still existing dynasty. Kutai was founded as a kingdom in ca. 400 of the Christian era. It is also the first dynasty, which is the Indonesian government allowed in the modern time to have it's dynastychief to be installed (and even coronated) as a king. That happened it 1999. Sultan H. Aji Salehoeddin II is a king, which is known for his true role as a father of his area. He is known for bringing back all difficult issues of live back to the erall needed basic. So his influence as the moral consiousnes of Kutai is still very big because of that for instance. His warm character for everybody;which his crownprince for sure has inherited;doesn't prevent, that his people have a very high respect for him and more like to see him as their king,than as their father. Although the sultan is now already 85 years,he is still amazingly vital for his age. In an interview I had with him, he told me, that he for all his life took very good care of what he eat, he has every day enough exercize, do not bring stress to life, never forget to uphold the contact with the Almighty God and never being in hatefull contacts with anybody. Sultana Aji Ratu Aida Amidjoyo is maybe of the same opinion as the sultan,because she also shows a very big energetic life despite her age;also always spreading an affectional mood to everybody. The day of celebration in the palace was opened,when a granddaughter of the sultan showe a very special royal dance for the audience. That the royal couple of Kutai may continue for long being the father and mother of their area and also the symbol of the royal revival in Indonesia. May God blesses them all.

D.P. Tick gRMK
I. Festivana

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sultan of Bacan (N-Moluccan) Died on Monday 21 September 2009

Ternate (AFP) - Thousands of Ternate, North Maluku (Maluku Utara) welcomed the corpse of Sultan of Bacan Gahral Adyan Shah at Babullah Airport, Tuesday, which was brought from Jakarta using charter aircraft.

Sultan Bacan died at his home in the area of Pondok Indah Jakarta on Monday evening due to illness suffered kidney failure last few years. He died at the age of 66 years.

From Sultan Babullah Airport, the corpse of former Regent of the North Maluku (Maluku Utara) while still in the area of Maluku province) was taken to Kedaton Sultanate of Ternate.

Sultan Bacan still a close relative of Shah Sultan Ternate Mudaffar Syah. Sultan's body was taken to the next Bacan Labuha, South Halmahera District (Halmahera Selatan) using a motor boat.

Some officials in Maluku Utara, like Governor of Maluku Utara Thaib Armaiyn , Lieutenant Governor of Maluku Utara Gani Kasuba, regent / mayor as Maluku Utara, parliament leaders and traditional leaders in the area looking corpse drive in Sultan of Bacan to the port Bastiong of Ternate.

Sultan Bacan left a wife and two children. One son works at one foreign bank and to this day he has not arrived in Ternate.

One community leader in Maluku Utara also Vice Chairman of Legislative of Maluku Utara Mr. Syaiful Ruray said has lost one of his best characters.

He added that the deceased had been a boon to many areas Maluku Utara both in terms of governance and the social field.

Sultan Bacan was one of the pioneering expansion into the province of North Maluku in 1999 ago. He was also instrumental in fighting many division two districts in Malut into nine districts.

Meanwhile, information from the Sultanate Bacan Bacan mentioned that the Sultan will be buried in the courtyard of Sultan Bacan on Tuesday night after the first interred in the Sultanate Kedaton Bacan. (*)


Content of Articles are copy from http://antaranews.com
Translated to English by I. Festivana & Donald P. Tick gRMK
Picture of Sultan is from our own collection (http://kerajaan-indonesia.blogspot.com/2008/10/sultan-h-gahral-adian-syah-of-bacan.html)

Sultan's dynasty of Bulungan publishes book

Since the local autonomy laws of 1999 more qand more dynasties are writing their own history to preserve the local history also as a part of the total Indonesia history in this hugue country.

So in 2006 the Sultan's dynasty of Bulungan in N.E.-Kalimantan let publish a little book of 80 pages about the history of this kingdom. It is called "Sekilas sejarah Kesultanan Bulungan dari masa ke masa and written by H. Syed Ali Amin Bilfaqih, S.Ip;a local politician, who is intermarried in the sultan's dynasty (married with the daughter of the last officiqal crownprince from government kingdom time) and also descendant of an Arab man from Hadramaut/S.-Yemen,who brought islam to Bulungan ca. 260 years ago.

The book give a basic insight in to the history of the sultanate of Bulungan and also shows a bit of the importance of preserving that history and local culture(including the royal culture);f.i. via their own Bulungan semi-royal festival called Birau-festival (mostly in october-bi-annual?).

It contains some historical black and white pictures and some nice colour pictures,which show in its's function, this historybook is quite unique and we hope, that later a more large and richly illustrated book will be issued. The writer is one of the main representatives of the royal family of Bulungan.

This royal family;before quite rich;is known for their very dedicated way of preserving all kind a local culture and history;some deeds for which they need to be given compliments.

Since ca. 20 years the dynastymembers and their network try to find all over the world sources and old pictures, which give a showing of all the aspects of Bulungan live.

The book is published by publication company (penerbit) CV.Eka Jaya

Jl. Kh. Agussalim RT.6 No. 10 in Tarakan.(0062-5515526370/www.kaltara.com ).

D.P. Tick gRMK

I. Festivana

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Loloda - the 5th principality of the North-Moluccans

Normally we speak of 4 kingdoms in the North-Moluccans :Ternate, Tidore, Bacan and Jailolo.
But there is a 5th principality, about which not very much people know about. It is the on the west-part of the island of Halmahera lying principality of Loloda.
About this there are several legends:the first raja descended from a sultan of Bacan, founded by a Prince/descendant of a sultan of Ternate, etc.
Western historains say, that in the very old time,when the principalities in the N-Moluccans were founded, there were more little stateletts. Besides the 4 later sultanates, not one of them survived, only Loloda did.
Before it must have been a quite powerfull principality, but later lost power to Jailolo, who then became the 1st ruler of the N-Moluccans.
But up until the Dutch time the rajas of Loloda were recognized as semi-independent rajas under Ternate. It is not known,when exactly they came under the rule of Ternate.
In 1908 the Dutch East-Indish Government found it better to more centralize the rule here, so Raja Syamsuddin (died 1915) then lost his semi-independent position and became just a districtchief with he title Sengaji. Also you can call them later Jogugu's.
The last ruling member of the dynasty was Jongofa, or Jogugu Haji Djami Bin Syamsuddin; 2nd son of the last raja, who had from 1945 a bit a restored position as local ruler. He stayed on as traditional leader of his people until his death in 1977. Nothing special was than done in the dynasty, until the time,that the dynasties in Indonesia were allowed to retake their cultural place in the society.
In 1999 his son Jogugu Bayan Bin Syamsuddin was installed. He died in 2004.
He was succeeded by the in 1959 born son Jogugu Kaicil Lutfi Muhammad Syamsuddin, who was officially installed as monarch of Loloda in the palace of the sultan of Ternate 30-8-2009.
The present jogugu of Loloda is a specialist on agriculture in the local government.
The dynasty maintains a very interesting website at "Loloda Kerajaan Facebook". Click on the name Loloda Kerajaan there and then on notes, or pictures, video, etc. and you will see many interesting information.

Finally the world can be witness,that the rajadynasty of Loloda can take his place in the world of traditional ruling families again.
Also the sultan of Ternate is a help to restore old traditional institutes, so that the local people have a good focuspoint for their own cultural identity.

D.P. Tick gRMK
I. Festivana

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Marriage of Crownprince of Sintang (W-Borneo, Indonesia)

Ceremony of Crownprince of Sintang (Kalimantan Barat) Marriage
on Saturday, 08 August 2009 at Istana Al-Muqarramah of Sintang

All Picture from Father Jacques Maessen/Yayasan Cobus/Sintang.

The quite big and important area of Sintang in West-Kalimantan was one of the first areas,where it's ruler was installed again as cultural-monarch.
Because the sultan is also the chief of the believers of the islam in the area, he could also bless the crownprince during his wedding.
Raden Barrie Danu Brata is the son of the late Drs. Raden Muhammad Chalidi Ismail Tsafiudin (who after World War II was the eligible prince to become the new Panembahan of Sintang. The Panembahan here and all other monarchs of Japan were killed by Japan in 1944). When this dynastychief died, his sons were considered to young and unexperienced to become the new dynastychief, or Panembahan of Sintang.
So his brother Raden Ikhsani Ismail Tsafiudin became the new dynastychief and later Panembahan and Sultan (Sri Kesumana Negara V). Because the present sultan has only daughters, the sons of his older brother are 1st and 2nd now in the line of succession.
The dynasties of West-Kalimantan are very active in preserving the royal culture in their areas and trying to preserve also their function in the positive way.

D.P. Tick
I. Festivana

SBY Open National Meeting (Silatnas) of Sultan And Raja

Jakarta: President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono accompanied Mother Country Ani Bambang Yudhoyono opened the meeting at the National (Silatnas) and Sultan Raja Nusantara, Friday (7 / 8) afternoon, at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta. Silatnas which will take place on August 7-8 in Jakarta was attended by 135 King and consort of the Sultan and the 15 Crown and daughter, relatives and the Prince Sultan and the King.

President SBY in his speech welcomed the proposed Agency Workers (BP) Silatnas to build this kind of museum or gallery that displays the national heritage the kingdom or sultanate - any name - in this archipelago. "I ask the brother Kebudayan and Tourism Minister, and Minister of Education under the coordination related Menkokesra, get experts talking history, cultural, successor and heir to the kingdom and sultanate to formulate a national gallery as what we want to achieve that," said SBY.

"Try to review perhaps there is still a wide place in the Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, because this requires a space or a yard wide, so I hope in, student, students, tourists, guests of the country can pay a visit to friends there," adds SBY. President SBY request of the gallery was soon realized, that could in time six months have proposed. Then discussed. "Once we build that can truly be a landmark, a museum which is the pride we, as the nation has stulah civilization, the history and culture of excellence that does not really lose with the other nations," SBY affirm.

In addition, the President also delivered a high tribute to all parties who have a concern, attention and commitment to a high state and nation. "
We have to save themselves a nation and our country. We own the obligation to maintain peace and harmony among us
. Indonesia is a nation that compound, compound terms of religion, race, ethnicity, language and identity much more different from one another. But this complexity should not obscure to truly unite us. We can live and develop a harmonious atmosphere of peace, "said SBY.

Previous Chairman of BP Silatnas Sultan and Raja Nusantara KRAT Mashud Toyib Adiningrat reported, in the present 135 this Silatnas King and consort of the Sultan and the 15 Crown and daughter, relatives and the Prince Sultan and the King. "Any Silatnas goal is to restore identity and the identity of the king and the sultan of the archipelago. In addition to the government seeking to be able to observe the existence of the king and the sultan and the sultanate and the Kingdom of the archipelago, "he said.

They also hope to be in the process of drafting and Bill and Customary Law. The kings and sultans have customs and ask the government to restore the history relating to the history of the kingdom and in the archipelago over the schools. "Because at this time more people know the history of other nations than the historical culture of the nation itself," explains KRAT Toyib Adiningrat.

Present accompanying President SBY, among others, Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare Aburizal Bakrie, Mensesneg Hatta Rajasa, Mendagri Mardiyanto, Menkominfo Muh.Nuh, Law and Human Rights Minister Andi Mattalatta, and Menbudpar Jero Wacik. (win)

Donald P. Tick

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Royal National Indonesian Conference 5-7 august 2009

The National Royal Conference;Silaturahmi Nasional Lembaga Kerajaan dan Kesultanan Nusantara;which will take place in Jakarta from 5 until 7 august 2009.
It is organised by the Forum Komunikasi dan Informasi Keraton se Nusantara (FKIKN);the 2nd largest royal organisation of Indonesia;and will be attended by 2 of the 3 other royal organisations:AKKI and FKKAS(only active on Sulawesi).
The real conference will take place from 5 august in the evening and shall end with a meeting of all the kings, rajas, dynastychiefs and other important royalty at the palace of President Susilo Bambang Yudhyono at 7 august.
Such a royal meeting was also done at this presidential palace in november 2008, when there was a big conference of the 4th royal organisation FSKN.
The members hope to talk with the president about the support of a revival of interest, preservance of knowledge of the royal culture and history.
There are all kind of projects. One of it is the making of an encyclopedy about all the ca. 300 dynasties of Indonesia.
It is hoped, that also the unity were be talked about. That the 4 royal organisations in the future will work as harmonious organisations.
May God blesses this initiative.

Ir. I. Festivana

Monday, August 3, 2009

New Installation King of Sanggau

Installation Ceremony

New King and His Wife

Keraton Surya Negara of Sanggau

Surya Negara palace of Sanggau (W-Borneo) now has a new king that installed by the State of nine guardian of the country, Sunday (26 / 7/2009) morning.
New leaders are H. Gusti Arman that the name of the queen at this time is Pangeran Ratu H. Gusti Arman Surya
Witnessed with the Sultan of Palembang Darussalam, Regent Sanggau, the king and the sultan's all except West Kalimantan Pontianak Kadariah palace. Complete Installation is implemented handover of Keris Pusaka Kalima Sani by H. Gusti Gusti H harbani bin H Gusti Muhammad Saleh Bin Gusti Muhammad Umar Bin Pangeran Paduka Surya Negara, held next laying crown by H Muhamad Arif Bin H. Ade Ahmad Arif bin Panembahan H. Ade Muhammad Paku Negara accompanied with cannon boom as much as seven times, and Tar Music.
The Installation of Pangeran Ratu H. Gusti Arman Surya as holder of the calyx leadership is based on lineage and the first made by consensus elders and relatives of the palace.
Prince Ratu Gusti Suryansyah as Chief of Ismayana Palace of Landak and also chief of Forum Silaturrahmi Keraton Se-Nusantara at West Kalimantan said that with installed the new leaders, can together take pride of Keraton in Indonesia in order to preserve the culture and customs.
"With the revitalization of the entire palace Indonesia will be risen preserve our culture but still in the NKRI ,"said Prince Ratu Gusti Suryansyah.
According to him, for many this was a hereditary kingdom was gone from original place, or submitted to the government, so that the heritage collection should be done.
Pangeran Ratu Gusti Suryansyah request to the government, itself felt sad because during the time the goods are handed heirdom managed not even impressed with the good neglected.
"I'm sad to see heritage and not only be maintained by the board," said Pangeran Ratu Gusti Suryansyah.
Also that with the return of this palace, does not no of intention to establish the state of the country, because since the Indonesia free country then it is no longer a valid or kingdom palace. Likewise what is presented by the Sultan of Palembang Darussalam, Sultan Iskandar Machmud Badarudin Syah, Sultanate palace as the Association of Indonesia (AKKI) that with the emergence of the kingdom and the palace have been lost during the absence of the management or leaders, hoping for them return together to maintain unity of Indonesia, the government as a partner.
"We stand as a community partner, and the government involving the palace and took over of Indonesia in building this country, "said Darussalam Sultan Iskandar Machmud Badarudin Syah.
Pangeran Ratu H. Gusti Arman Surya Negara recently in the near future along with his colleagues who have palace, re-collect what that this gap has been split, both genealogy and other matters related to the other palace.
"I suggest to the entire family can gather in the deliberation complete what is becoming a problem, let us together raise Surya Negara pride of the palace, "said Pangeran Ratu H. Gusti Arman Surya Negara.
Regent Sanggau, H. Setiman H. Sudin said that with the return of filled vacancy leadership in the palace Surya State then expected this many inputs and information in order to promote Sanggau fore. "I'm sure Pangeran Ratu H. Gusti Arman Surya Negara can unify togetherness and the future together government can bring the name into Sanggau the front, "said the regent.
In the Installation also inaugurated the use of Keraton Surya Negara and Masjid Jami' Sultan Ayub with the inscription, and the beating beduk preceded and followed by the regent and the king of all the sultan.
Presenting in Installation, the Sultan of Palembang Darussalam Sultan Iskandar Machmud Badarudin Syah, Pangeran Ratu Gusti Suryansyah, the king's palace Ismayana Landak, Sultan Istana Al Mukaramah of Sintang, Sultan Kesuma Negara V Pangeran Ratu Sri Negara H.R.M Ikhsan Perdana, King Palace Amantubillah Mempawah Pangeran Ratu Mardan Adijaya Kesuma Ibrahim, the King of Sekadau Pangeran Agung III Gusti Muhammad Effendi, King of Sampang Sultan Muhammad II Jamaludidin H. Gusti Mulya, Matan Kingdom
Pangeran H. Uti Kusnadi, and Pangeran H Gusti Kambodia. Prince of Tayan Gusti Syarfani, and stakeholders Kubu kingdoms Daulat Alamsyah Syarif Achmad Al-Idrus.

Article and first picture are from Borne0-Tribune
Second to last picture are from
Gusti Zulmainis (Secretary of Keraton Sanggau)
Translated and edited by festivi and DP TickgRMK

New King of Sekadau Installed

Gusti Muhammad Efendi Bin Sidik Gusti Agung be as Pangeran Agung Muda, King of Sekadau (W-Borneo) which took place in the dwelling house H. Umar Jhafar, Saturday 28 February 2009.
This Installation king was attended by the Sultan of Sintang, multi-ethnic people, Muspida elements, and the Malay community of Sekadau District.
Before installation, the king of cultural welcome the arrival in the Tar Music and accompaniment tracks typical Malay Sekadau. Then the King going to seat have been provided in the style of the kingdom and close by two guards the left and right. Gusti Muhammad Efendi looks stout with the wear yellow.
After that, the procession begins with the greeting words of the head of the council's multi-ethnic tradition. Words from the speech delivered by the head of the customs of each tribe of which the Chairman of People Assembly Culture Malay, Dayak Adat Council Chairman, Chairman of the Assembly Tionghua Ceremony, Chairman of the Assembly and Indigenous Konghucu can be concluded that, hopely the King can work together excavate potential in the cultural-District Sekadau.
In fact, all the customary council hopes, the relationship between ethnic cooperation in the District Sekadau can walk better than before. Thus the form of life in all aspects can walk better and harmonious.
So, community Sekadau could be an independent and democratic. On occasion it also Sekadau District Chief (Camat) Jhoni the word speech, said expected to be working with both potential and can dig a very big culture in the District of Sekadau.
Installation King is seen as glorious atmosphere of solidarity between ethnic attend these events. It start by rituals and customs around the seat of King confetti by yellow rice and some dishes that has been provided in the front seat of King.
Together with the installation King also held a music and songs brought by two groups.
At the end, Culture and the King appear with delegation of various ethnic taking picture together and After the King Sekadau get congratulation from the invitation that came from.

All Material from Borneo-Tribune
Translated and edited by festivi and DP TickgRMK

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

An Ethnographic Study of Landu People, East Rote Island, Eastern Indonesia

Please See this link :



Research about Rote Island

Please see this link :



Monday, July 27, 2009

Biggest Royal Local Indonesia Festival Starts Again

All Picture are from Mr. Agri

In the centre of the oldest Indonesian kingdom; Kutai,or more officially Kutai Kartanegara ing Martadipura; the sultan's dynasty with the help of the government of the Kabupaten (district) Kutai Kartanegara; has begun on sunday again to start the royal local festival called Festival Erau.
Erau is a royal festival made to remember the founding of the last royal residence called Tenggarong ca. 250 years ago and to keep the contact between the royal family and the history and the people strong.
Kutai with it's ca. 1600 years of existence is the oldest kingdom of Indonesia.
Because of it's oil it is also the most richest area of Indonesia,so with this oilwealth it can bring back in a very interesting way the traditional culture and history for every one in Indonesia and from abroad.
It started on sunday 26 july in the old sultan's palace (and museum) Keraton Mulawarman with a ceremony called Mendirikan Ayu. It was interesting to see,that more and more the Crownprince Aji Pangeran Adipati Prabu Anum Surya Adiningrat takes over the leading responsibilities from his 84 years old father Sultan Haji Aji Mohammad Salehoeddin II.
The sultan wants to make the crownprince more and more acquianted with the royal duties he has now and in the future.
Before there were also some rituals to prepare the Erau Festival. Exactly 4 days before it started with the Beluluh Ceremony for the sultan and the crownprince in the nearby the old palace lying new palace (ready as a palace 7 years ago, but built in a traditional style; wednesday).
Then on thursday there was the Menjamu Benua ceremony to remember, that the Erau Festival has to do with the past.
Then finally the Merangin ceremony was held on thursday, friday and sunday night.
The actual Erau Festival will take place from 26 july until 3 august.
It is not only a festival of display of royal culture,but also of the general local culture and of the cultures which later came to the sultanate of Kutai and last but not least also to make a good cooperationship between the original 2 peoples;the Dayaks and the Melayu peoples; and all the other people, who now stay in Kutai Kartanegara.
Officials of the other Kutai districts and also many people from everywhere are going to the very pleasant royal town of Tenggarong, where most of the Erau Festival takes place.This is a town, which is called by many people as the Brunei of Indonesia:because of it's wealth, display of royal culture, but which still could retain it's historical beauty.
It is extraordinary to see every time,when the bi-anual Erau Festival is held, how proud the young people are about their own culture.
The displays of the f.i. royal dances have a real genuine atmosphere in itself. That is because the Kutai sultan's dynasty are one of the few dynasties in Indonesia, who really dedicated themselves always to keep the traditional culture alive.
With this the Kutai people are still happy to have the roots of their own culture.
And a genuine feeling in an old culture is that what a culture everywhere makes it so interesting.
May the heart of the Kutai culture always remains in it.

D.P. Tick
I. Festivana

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

King of Barru visits Holland

(Picture taken from http://fkkas.blogspot.com/)

In S.W.-Sulawesi; near the city of Makassar; lies the area of Barru. The candidate-king of Barru is His Highness Haji Andi Hasanudin Petta Tawang. He is the in 1932 born son of the last great king, or Arung of Barru: Arung I Jonjo Karaeng Limbangparang (1908-1945).
The dynasty of Barru was quite attached to the dynasty of the very powerfull sultans of Gowa. When Andi Hasanudin will be installed later he will be ca. the 24th ruler of Barru. Like happens more times in modern day Indonesia the present Arung is now making a book about the history of the principality of Indonesia and like they also say in other areas of Indonesia : "Our history is for a big part lying in the Dutch archives.".
For that reason the king will arrive in Holland on the 23th of july this year with a governmentdelegation of 9 people of the kabupaten(district)of Barru. This district also contains the 2 former principalities of Tanette and Malusetassi.
Also we hope, that with this visit the contacts between Holland and this part of Indonesia will be a bit restored.

D.P. Tick gRMK/Pusaka.

Edited by,

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Return of the Crownprince of Kutai Kartanegara to his birthplace in Holland

Left : Dr. H.A.R.M.Gondo Prawiro
Middle : The Kutai Crownprince Pangeran Haji Aji Adipati Prabu Anum Surja Adiningrat
Right : Drs. Ferdinand F. Baron de Smeth van Alphen

The triumph of the Royal Culture of Kutai in Holland

On the 25th of may 2009 it was finally the day of His Royal Highness the Pangeran Makhota,or Crownprince of Kutai Kartanegara:Pangeran Aji Adipati Prabu Anum Surja Adiningrat to try to see his house,where he was born in 1951 in the town of Wassenaar; near Leiden in Holland. There his father,who then was the crownprince of Kutai Kartanegara,was studying at the Royal University of Leiden.
The Crownprince returned as a boy of 5 years to Kutai. But first the Crownprince had to fullfill his duties to lead the cultural dance and musicgroup of Kutai Kartanegara at the Tong Tong Fair in Den Haag. That is for the present promotion of extraordinary places and cultures of Indonesia in Europe. First the Crownprince in the presence of the Chief of the Department of Economic Development of Kutai Kartanegara; Pangeran Gondo Prawiro with his wife,and their respective staffs were greated with extra respect by the organisation of Tong Tong Fair. Then the show of traditional and modern culture of Kutai Kartanegara began.A trully impressive show,which luckily also impresses the very big audience (the audience hall was filled until the last place) at the place of the dances and show of modern clothes with inspiration of local weaving traditions.
The royal dances,the general Melayu dances and the Dayak dances; accompagnied by the for Dutch ears very unique sound of Kutai music and also the modern clothes show took 75 minutes. The Dutch audience was same impressed by the unique Kutai culture, which was because of their liveliness and happy character very liked by the Dutch audience. After 75 minutes the total audience was very unhappy, that it already ended, because they found it less from boring. The Crownprince espacially was accompagnied by the representative of the Dutch National Council of Nobility: Drs. Ferdinand F. Baron de Smeth van Alphen (whose family was for generations very close to the Royal Family of Holland). The Baron has the last years a project to try to exchange experiences with the Royal and Princely families of Indonesia with the Noble and Royal families of Europe concerning theirfunctioning in the so-called modern time;espacially their value for preserving the old culture and some moral values as well. The Crownprince was very proud to explain time after time his culture to this important nobleman from Holland. Coming friday the Dutch nobility;lead by the Baron, will be present again at a show of Kutai and other Indonesia culture at a cultural day in Den Haag;organised by the Indonesian embassy in the Netherlands. The Dutch audience was also very impressed to have a real crownprince of Indonesia near them for am while and more,they were impressed because it was also the Crownprince of the oldest kingdom of Indonesia(Kutai already exists for 1600 years). After the event the Crownprince was not able to refind his house of birth. But that would come later. Together with Pangeran Gondo Prawiro and their staffs he had to do more work to strengthen the position of Kutai as a tourist destination and also had to talk with Dutch archive researchers to try to find more old historical Kutai pictures, films and other documents, in which they were quite succesfull. After a bit relaxing as well some times and trying the for their taste strange Dutch food (only the Crownprince was happy to again taste the food of the country), where he had lived the first 5 years of his life like cheese, milk, havermout (Dutch porridge) and the best strawberries of the world (from Holland).
At 22.30 the royal- and civil delegation from Kutai Kartanegara finally could lay down their duties for the promotion of the royal and general culture of Kukar in Holland and went exhausted to sleep. Many Dutch people only remained with one question:
where the Kutai Kartanegara dance and musicgroup had taken the enormous amount of energy with which they performed their culture; a culture which was trully not in their mind,but in their heart.
Kutai culture:a trully unique culture.And that is no flattering.

Article By,
Donald P. Tick

Edited By,

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hitu-one of the few principalities of the S-Moluccans still existing

In general the south part of the Moluccans are divided in several, or better said:many areas called negris and not really in principalities, or kingdoms.
That was because of the ruling systems in this area.
Also because the former foreign governments in here encouraged and stimulated seperate rule in all these areas.
There was some kind of ruling system, which was a development to more centralised rule, but wishes inside the society and the foreign stimulance of divided rule also didn't really speed up this process.
In general only the Hitu area in the north of Ambon island (covering a big part of that area ), the island of Kisar, some areas on Ceram, the negris of Kilang, Nusanive and Soya( and some more) are considered as a sort of principality.
Hitu exists as a semi-principality in development (so you can describe it at least) already for ca. 500 years. Before the begin of the first fereation head in 1512 there were some rulers, who were also described as the ruler of Hitu, but not of the Hitu as a federation, but of a negri.
In history the federation rule was described as being divided over 4
lines,2 delivered the federationhead, 1 the Raja Hitu(from which are descended a later Raja Hitu line) and another ruler.
The Hitu federation was brought to an end officially with the violent death of the last federationhead, who was the Kapitan Hitu;in 1643.
From a son are descended the later rajas of Hitulama, who are considered as the heirs of the Hitu principality.
There are also the rulers of Hitumessing with the same familyname, who live in the same area, but have a different people to rule as negri rulers.
On 21-3-2007 Upu Latu Sitania,or Raja Salhana Pelu was installed as the 37th raja of an area,which ever carried a Hitu-name and the 19th descendant of the first Hitu ruler (the negri) :Raja Abdul Kadir.
The present raja is born in 1975 and has studied economics and now is working in the businessworld.
He tries to live a clean moral live and even punished his brother, who was temptated by gambling some time ago.
The crownhat of the raja is a copy of the original one,but the objects on it and the design is original.
The Pelu dynasty is known to be pietistic,but not fundamentalistic.
The Hitu federation was formed by several negris, which still recognize the special traditional position of the Raja of Hitulama.
The several hunderds S-Moluccan negris with their rulers are united in a council of upu latu's (rajas) although not all has the right to have according the tradition the title of raja), which is f.i. in 2009 led by Raja Abdullah Malawat of Mamala (also a member of the Hitu federation).

Article and Photo from:
Donald P. Tick

Edited By,