Extreme left: The Wife of Pangeran Gunarso Kusumodingrat (Secretary-General of the Forum Silaturahmi Keraton se Nusantara(FSKN).
in the middle : Pangeran Gunarso Kusumodiningrat.
Right to him in yellow: Sultan Basharsyah II of Serdang (N-Sumatra).
Extreme right: Raden Th. Lalu Putra of Siladendeng (a Sasak principality on Lombok).

President Yudhoyono received The Entrant of FSKN.
Royal of Dompo.

Traditional Dance of the Imperial Court of Surakarta.

Left : Amaka'u Kahrul Zaman; Prince of Dompo (Sumbawa) and Representative of his Sultan with his Wife.
Right:Lalu Madhurain; Dynastychief of Selaparang (Sasak-principality on Lombok), with his wife.
White Man : Dutch Nobleman; Mr. Baron De Smith.

Speech of Ida Tjokorda Ngurah Jambe Pemecutan of Badung-Denpasar (president of FSKN) at the opening of the main activities of the 1st South-East Asia Culture Royal Festival and Expo (Festival dan Expo Budaya Keraton Asia Tenggara) in Denpasar/Bali. The Festival was the opened by the minister of Culture and Tourism of Indonesia; as representative of the Indonesian president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono,who had suddenly very urgent meetings elsewhere. On the right is Pan geran Gunarso Kusumodingrat.

Left:Mister Azwar Anas: Member of the imperial family of Minangkabauw area (W-Sumatra).
Right : Anak Agung Gde Agung; the Raja of Jembrana (Bali) and chief of the council of the rajas and dynastychiefs if Bali (with his wife).
Behind the 2 royals is sitting the Sultan of Sintang (in green clothes).

Royal dinner in the palace of the Tjokorda of Badung-Denpasar.
In blue: Calon-Raja Haji Andi Rauf Maro Karaeng Rewa of Tallo; the brother principality of Gowa (SW-Sulawesi).
Please Click Picture to Enlarge
(All Picture from H.H. Anak Agung Eka Putra of Eka Cipta Photo in Denpasar/Bali)
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