The in SE-lying principality of Badung is in fact divided into 2 main raja branches of 1 dynasty: the one of Badung-Denpasar and the one of Badung-Pemecutan.
Because of historical developments the Denpasar-line had the opportunity to rule as paramount-ruler and the Pemecutan-line had more religious tasks. Then there was also the Badung-Kesiman line, which was ca. 150 years ago the most powerfull, but which withdrew from active politics of the total principality.
After the World War II the grandfather of the present Badung-Denpasar raja was asked to step down as paramount-ruler of Badung and the father of the present Badung-Pemecutan raja became his succesor.
In Bali you have the mebhiseka ratu rituals,which makes a raja a real monarch. Only a few dynastychiefs now are installed as such.But you can divide this ritual into 3 degrees. The mebhiseka ratu kecil(little), the mebhiseka ratu besar (big) and the mebhiseka ratu besar dan lengkap(most extended). The present Badung-Denpasar raja went through the last stage 25-11-2005.Before he was known as Tjokorda Ngurah Mayun Samirana.
He is not so really active in politics, but he has 2 cousins,who are Anak Agung Ngurah Ratmadi was before Bupati (districtchief) of Badung and his brother (former Lord Mayor of Denpasar town); Anak Agung Ngurah Puspayoga; won medio july 2008 the Governor elections for Bali.
This raja is however the chief of the Forum Silaturahmi Keraton se Nusantara( the Friendship Union of the Indonesian Palaces), which is the biggest representative organisation of the Indonesian dynasties.
When he was cornonated in 2005 they used a copy of the original glden crown is since the putting down of the Bali rebellion in 1906 onwards in a museum in Leiden. Maybe ever that will come back.
Both main rajas at least of badung have their own sphere of influence in Denpasar town for instance.The palace of the Badung-Denpasar raja is in the east of Denpasar. His oldest son is not installed as crownprince yet,because he still much learn a lot of the traditions of the royal court.
Donald Tick,
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-kerajaan Indonesia "Pusaka"
Edit by festivi
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