Monday, September 29, 2008

Dynastychief Prince Benjamin Messakh of Thie/Rote

This son of one of the last rajas of Thie became vice-bupati in Kupang district for Rote islands from 1998. The last one, because later Rote/Ndao became a separate district. He is known as a great historian and his book about the principalities of Rote/Ndao will be published in 2008.
He is an unique prince, who has his heart mainly for the well-being of the area.

Donald Tick,
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-kerajaan Indonesia "Pusaka"
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Sultan Abdullah Syah of Jailolo

The last heir to the crown died end 17th century, then only the dynasty had some minor role in the area under the Sultan of Ternate.
Short revival 1797-1832 and a royal rebellion 1875-1876. When the rivalries in N-Moluccans began the big the Sultan of Ternate proposed to restore the social system of the 4 kingdoms of the N-Moluccans: Moloku Kie Raha. So this highest representative of the dynasty; a former armyofficer in Riau and descended from the last exiled Sultan was made sultan.
In 2008 the government wants to restore the palace of the Sultan in Soakonara.

Donald Tick,
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-kerajaan Indonesia "Pusaka"
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Dynastychief Datuk Haji Aji Abdul Rasyid gelar Kakang Demung Agung Natadiningrat of Pasir

This sultanate in East-Kalimantan with a lot of Bugis blood in it's veins was abolished 1908 because of obstructuing cooperation with the Dutch of the sultan and chaos inside rule and dynasty.
In 2000 this prince and descendant from an important sultan was made dynastychief. After World War II he was indepence fighter, then religious specilaist and because of his enormous knowledge of local history and culture chosen to become the new dynastychief.
The dynasty is quite influential in the beautifull Pasir.
In Pasir there is a big hunger to know the local history and also to bring back more fully the local culture back in life is a big wish of Many People.

Donald Tick,
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-kerajaan Indonesia "Pusaka"
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Sultan Hamengku Buwono X of Yogyakarta

When his father died in 1988 he was not really thinking of becoming functioning sultan, but the sentiments locally were to big, so he was installed as sultan 1989. Later he became the face of reasonable democracy in Indonesia, advisor for a life with discussion and not with arms also.
Some people say his sharpness has been less developed then taht of his father.
But really you can see him as the face of the nearly perfect things in monarchy system of Indonesia.
Also his people wants him still as governor of the Yogyakarta area, although also people say, that he must become president.
He keeps away from division in society and always want to stay neutral.

Donald Tick,
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-kerajaan Indonesia "Pusaka"
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Raja Said Arobi Uswanas of Fatagar (Papua)

One of the most important principalities of the Onin, or Fak Fak area. In the 1880-ies ca. Fatagar had for a time no raja. The eligible person went to live in Ceram, where they had familycontacts. Then the forefather of this raja was borught back and installed as raja. All the then ruling rajas of Fatagar were known as quite good rajas.
He is high politician in district Fak Fak.
Most of the principalities here are ruled by dynasties descended from Rumbati dynasty,o r made as local semi-principality (later independent) by Rumbati. Fatagar is one of the roots principalities and it's dynasty descended from Rumbati dynasty.

Donald Tick,
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-kerajaan Indonesia "Pusaka"
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Prince Godlief Eliazar Tungga of Dengka

Highest dynasty representative Prince Godlief Eliazar Tungga of Dengka.
Although Prince Jeremias Tungga is the eligible prince to become Manek of Dengka (lives in Jakarta), this prince is the highest dynastyrepresentative and in fact the face of the dynasty.
Every dynasty/every Manek has a different headgear. Also with that you can recognize where a Raja comes from.
Dengka is the most populated principality of Rote.

Donald Tick,
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-kerajaan Indonesia "Pusaka"
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Chief Dynastybranch of OEnale Prince Christoffel Hanok Lenggu.
His brother was the last raja of OEnale until his death in 1961.
Actually the Lenggu's from Bilba, but a forefather advised a raja ca. middle 19th century to do something, which would make hs rule more longer. Then he adopted that wandering Bilba chief as son. From time to time that new branch also deliverd rajas. The original dynasty is the Giri dynasty. Now the Giri- and the Lenggu branch deliver each a representative for the royal symbol.
Both branches are now ruling a part of OEnale. He himself did that from 1966-1984. Of course each has a dream to be Raja of total OEnale. Before OEnale also had the Dehla area under it's rule, but that area under a Fettor (vice-Raja) separated from OEnale.

Donald Tick,
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-kerajaan Indonesia "Pusaka"
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Manek Paulus DaE Pane of Baa

Baa is one of the 19 principalities of Rote islands and also the capital of the Rote/Ndao district.`This Raja,`or manek is one of the few dynastychiefs,`who is installed officially as Raja of his area.`Most of the others are just chief of the clan of the raja dynasty.
Like in some other Rote principalities the dynasty has several branches.
For at time the raja was the royal face of Rote,`because no other rajas were installed.
In Baa is also the son of the first and last raja of Rote,`who ruled for some decades before World War II. He lives in a palace. This Prince Wilson Kedoh's father was asked to become the union raja of total Rote. because no raja wanted to give in, when giving that dignity to a raja, the dignity was given to a Fettor dynasty member of Landu.

Donald Tick,
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-kerajaan Indonesia "Pusaka"
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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Ida Cokorda Anglurah of Tabanan (W-Bali)

Ida Cokorda Anglurah Tabanan; 27th raja of Tabanan in W-Bali.
Tabanan was before a rather important principality and sometimes called the most powerfull. Hardly any rajas on Bali are now installed with the full installation ceremonies, but this raja is. On 21-3-2008 installed with the abisekha ratu ceremony.
Also very interesting to see,that also quickly after that the king appeared during all kind of occasions as the symbol of redoing the old ceremonies in Tabanan. Actually he is not the oldest son of the last raja of Tabanan, but his older brother died in 2001 and then he was installed as dynastychief.

Donald Tick,
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-kerajaan Indonesia "Pusaka"
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Raja Constantijn Karimalei of Batulolong with his Ratu

Batulolong is one of the 4 maajor principalities on the island of Alor, which lies above Timor. There are 2 more areas,but these are not always considered as real principalites.According to tradition the first ruler, or Lord of Batulolong came from East-Timor: Kepanu Kani. This in 1928 born Raja is the younger brother of the last ruling raja of Batulolong with name Raja Lourens Karimalei, who was from 1947-1962 the 14th ruler of Batulolong.
He died in 1996.
Alor people are known as very sweet people. The rajas mostly began as coast-rajas/rulers, coming from other islands and trying to make cooperation with inland people.
On islands like Alor and Timor tradition remains in a healthy way in every day life.

Donald Tick,
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-kerajaan Indonesia "Pusaka"
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Pangeran Muasyidinsyah of Kotawaringin

When his father the last Pangeran Ratu (14th monarch) died in 1975 he became chief of the raja family. The principality was founded before 1637 by a son of the very poewrfull Sultan of Banjarmasin in SE Kalimantan and is lying in South middle Kalimantan.

Peculiar eniough the dynasties had not had contact for a considerable time, but one year ago it made the familybond again.
Strange enoug also, that the present monarch is married with a princess of Surakarta in middle-java and the mother of him is a granddaughter of a former Susuhunan of Surakarta.
The present monarch;a friendly and very hardworking royal, plays an important role in the founding of a seperate province of Kotawaringin (the only principality in this area).
People from banjarmasin are known for being very sweet people,this monarch had retianed that character after his dynasty left Banjasrmaisn for nearly 400 years ago.

Donald Tick,
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-kerajaan Indonesia "Pusaka"
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Manek Herman Doepe of Bokai

Bokai is one of the 19 principalities on the Rote islands; west from Timor.
This area is the most with principalities populated area of Indonesia.
Bokai was before a rather powerfull principality in middle Rote, but because of to much wanting to make war, the God punished the dynasty by a disaster, The people then split into 2. One part went southwards and were more or less under the rule of the Maneks of Termanu, which were the most powerfull rulers of Rote.
Bokai had later a sort of restriction in his development,that only until a certain amount peopkle could live in the new area and very strange enough,that always remained so.
This Raja really ruled over Bokai from 1961-1966.
He says, he is member of the old dynasty, but when the 2nd dynasty started it is know, they were mardijkers, or free people, which were an elite group of so-called free people (so not under a raja), who became important, because of service in the Dutch army, etc.

Donald Tick,
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-kerajaan Indonesia "Pusaka"
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Sultan Haji Taufik Thaib alias Sutan Haji Muhammad Taufik Thaib gelar Yang Dipertuan Tuanko Mudo Mangkuta Alam (Yang Dipertuan Raja Alam Pagaruyung)

He is the 19th Emperor of the Minangkabau area. This area is ruled by many traditional rulers.
The paramount rulers are 3 of the religion, tradition and the worldly life. This Emperor is the last one and also the main ruler.
The Empire really ceased to exist as existing monarchy in 1833, although some branches were allowed to rule in litle areas nearby.
A branch of the dynasty is also the rulers of Negri Sembilan in malaysia.
A rather important person in the rea tries to explain his opinion about the rights his claim on the Emperor's dignity as well.
Sutan Taufik Thaib is until now actually the most traditionally recognized monarch here. The succesion goes from male monarch to son of his sister.
Hopefully the recently burned palace will be built up.

Donald Tick,
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-kerajaan Indonesia "Pusaka"
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Jena Teke (Crownprince) Zulkarnaen of Bima

Bima is on the island of Sumbawa. It is rule,that a new sultan only can be installed, when his father already was sultan. But his father died 2-5-2001 and he was installed as future sultan 7-6-2001.So on the grave of his father Sultan Abdul Kahir they made this deceased royal sultan and then later they could make him Jena Teke. Because he don't know enough of the rtadition,he still must learn and isn't a sultan yet.But his people chose him in july 2005 as Bupati, districtchief of Bima.
He is supported by his aunt Ina Ka'u (princess) Siti Mariam Rachmat Salahuddin.
She is the keeper of tradition and history and with one other woman in the Bugis area on Sulawesi she is the example of the savers of the traditional culture.

Donald Tick,
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-kerajaan Indonesia "Pusaka"
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Datu Fachruddin bin Sultan Mohammad Aminuddin of Sambaliung

Sambaliung dynasty is a branch of the dynasty of former Berau Kingdom, which was a rather important sultanate in NE part of Indonesian East-Kalimantan, which encompasses the later sultanates of Gunung Tabur(ruled by the main branch of Berau dynasty), Sambaliung and the more northern lying Bulungan Sultanate (which went away from Berau in 2nd half 18th century). So say that Berau only ruled short really over Bulungan with the Tidung area.
Strange enough the palaces of Gunung tabur and sambaliung are lying at 2 sides of a river and can look in each other palace nearly, rather peculair.
Theb dynasty is now busy to let make a former king of sambaliung a national hero: Raja Alam (1830-1834/1837-18..), who was much rebelling against the Dutch East-Indish-Government. He was also the first seperate King of Sambaliung.
The last ruling Sultan of Sambaliung ruled quite a long time: 1902-1920 as Regent-Sultan, 1920-1951 as Sultan and 1950-1959 as Bupati/districtchief of Berau.
he died in 1961.
Probably Datu fachruddin will be the next Sultan of Sambaliung and he is the main person behind the project to make his forefather a National Hero.

Donald Tick,
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-kerajaan Indonesia "Pusaka"
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Candidate Sultan Tuanku Abdulrachman of Riau-Lingga

In 1911 the greatgrandfather of this monarch abdicated before the Dutch could depose him and went into exile in Singapore, which before tiogether with the south of Malaysia also was part of the Riau-Lingga sultanate. He was to much opposing the plans of the Dutch to make a regulated rule there.
Until now the dynasty stays in exile in Singapore, also because until Indonesian independence the Dutch obstructed the coming back of this rather important dynasty.
This retired Singapore army-officer is a very dedicated historian corned with Riau-Lingga. Maybe his collection of Riau-Lingga material is the most biggest in the world.
Espacially concerning the pedigree material with many illustrations.
He isn also a rather friendly monarch, who has good contact with the Sultan's dynasty of Singapore, who were ca. 200 years ago rivals.
I hope, that the bond between the dynasty and the people of Riau-Lingga will remain until this time.

Donald P. Tick,
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-kerajaan Indonesia "Pusaka"
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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Dynastychief of Bulungan passed away

Recently we received the news, that the chief of the N.E.-Kalimantan Sultan's Dynasty of Bulungan died on the 10th of September 2008.
He is His Royal Highness Haji Datu Abubakar; MMdj bin Sultan Maulana Muhammad Djalaluddin; since 1999 Dynastychief of Bulungan.
His father was the 15th king and 9th Sultan of this oilricharea and also the last one, who died in 1958. His older brother Putra Makhota Mohammad Azzimuddin gelar Raja Muda was then the dynastychief of Bulungan until his tragic passing away in 1964.
When in 1999 the Indonesia government indirectly allowed to let be more attention to the Royal- and Princely dynasties of Indonesia, he was chosen as dynastychief of Bulungan.
On many royal occasions in Indonesia he with his Ratu were the faces of the Royal Family of Bulungan.
This kind hearted Royal was born 60 years ago in the royal town of Tanjung Palas; his mother was HRH Aji Bungsu. He began his carreer in the Indonesian Army, where he became sub-officer, then he continued as a government official (typical for Indonesian royals: army, government, education, or business are the most likely future opportunities for a royal). Later he became mayor of the town of Karang Anyar. He was pensioned as such in 2002. Then he dedicated his life to the creating of harmony between the Melayu - and dayak segments of the population of Bulungan; a task very good for him, because he wasn't only the royal face of Bulungan, but also the face of the friendliness in Bulungan.
He had an outspoken opinion about certain subjects, but always mixed that with non-wanting to harm other people.
He was also one of the 5 candidates to become new Sultan of Bulungan and actually he was the future-Sultan of Bulungan alread, but for reasons until now unknown to me his full brother Datu Syukur was chosen on the 15th of februari as future Sultan of Bulungan.

It took so long to select a future-Sultan of Bulungan,because the dynasty wanted full harmony within the dynasy and then select a future-Sultan.
After the royal selection Datu Abubkar Djalaluddin stayed on to be the face of the dynasty at several oocasions.
When he would have been the new Sultan of Bulungan he would have known as Sultan Goodhearted of Bulungan.But God chose another way for him. His brother Datu Syukur is more strong and ambitious in his way of handling the things.
May the memory of Haji Datu Syukur bin Sultan Maulana Muhammad Djalaluddin; who saw the revival of the Royal families in Indonesia and also the borderdispute with Malaysia on the Bulungan border, not be forgotten.
That is what a King must be: a father for his people.

Donald Tick,
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-kerajaan Indonesia "Pusaka"
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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Pangeran of Gebang (East Cirebon)

Pangeran Sudewa Alibassa of Gebang with his Ratu in his palace.
Gebang was a vasalprincipality of Cirebon principalities, which are all in W-Java. Gebang is East of Cirebon. Gebang is known for his special cultural way of practising islam religion. The dynasty has a more than important role in it.
The first Pangeran of Gebang was Pangeran Wira Sutajaya, who was appointed by the famous founder king Sunan Gunung Jati of Cirebon (who ruled ca. 1527-1580).
Gebang is a place of the really old Culture of Java.

Donald Tick,
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-kerajaan Indonesia "Pusaka"
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Raja Johannis J. Bakker of Kisar

Although the island of Kisar in the SW Moluccans isn't always considered as a principality, you can consider it as such.
He is the 13th raja since the 17th century.
Bakker comes from the name of a Dutch colonial official. His ancestor Raja Cornelis Bakker took that name, because hoped with that name also to become as influental as the Dutch people.
On the island here was a Dutch contigent of soldiers. These Dutchmen ere left behind and forgotten and married with local woman. So a little new people of mixed Dutch-Kisar blood was made. These families later intermarried with the raja dynasty. So the present Raja of Kisar has Dutch blood in his veins to.
On the picture he is depicted with Crownprince Philipus Hairmera Bakker; the son of his younger brother Prince zacharias, because he only has a daughter.
The history of the princpality is sonce old time written down in an impressive book, who is after the Bible the most important book on then island.
The different peoples on the island have some kind of autonomy under their own traditional leaders. The palace of the raja is in the town of Wonreli.

Donald Tick,
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-kerajaan Indonesia "Pusaka"
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Calon/Candidate-Sultan Gusti Khairul Saleh of Banjarmasin

He is the big man about revival of Banjarmasin culture including royal culture as well. The Banjarmasin people are know for their sweet character. So he is. He is direct descendant of Brother of last recognized Sultan of Banjarmasin: sultan Adam Alwartzikubillah; a Sultanate, which before was as powerfull as Brunei. In 2005 he was first (candidate) Monarch of Indonesia, who also was chosen in modern time as ruler on old principality, or kingdom.
He is since 2005 Bupati of Banjar; the central part of the Banjarmasin Sultanate.
Maybe he is one of the most dedicated monarch/local ruler to bring back some royal elements in the life of a former kingdom.
He is aquite a religious man in a pleasant way.
Also to revive the good feeling in life with harmony and love for all is one of his ideals.
Let we hope, that this SE Kalimantan area; the area of the diamonds, will flourish under his rule.

Donald Tick,
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-kerajaan Indonesia "Pusaka"
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Calon/Candidate-Sultan Abdul Azis Sirajuddin of Dompo

Dompo is the most fertile sultanate of the island of Sumbawa, but also the really left principality, which was most effected by the ereuption of Tambora volcano in 1815: one of the most tragic happenings in Indonesia history.
His to traditional grandfather Sultan Mohammad Sirajuddin was deposed by Holland in 1934 and the sultanate abolished in WW II. But as an example of some other abolished sultanates it was restored again in 1947.
The bigger dynasties on the island are all related.
He is married with a noblewoman from Banten.
Like most of the royalty in Indonesia he has a quite high education.
He keeps quite low profile, but his people knows him.

Donald Tick,
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-kerajaan Indonesia "Pusaka"
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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Lombok, Gowa & Luwu

Centre (with moustache): a Raja from East-Lombok. In 1740 the Raja of the Balinese Hindu principality of karangasem could conquer West-Lombok. East came under the influence of the Sultan of Gowa(north of Lombok). In 1849 total Lombok was united under the rule of the Raja of Karangasem. But in 1894 the resistence became to big for him and because of the help of the Dutch the Raja of Lombok(as he was known then and not of Karangasem, because the Lombok branch was now ruling over Lombok and Karangasem) lost in battle against the Dutch.
The East-Lombok rajas who were in f.i. the Bali time districtchiefs only and in the Dutch time also, always kept their semi-indepence more or less in the eyes of their people. That is why,that they are coming back now as dynastychiefs at least. The united Lombok monarchy ceased to exist in 1894.

Picture 2nd from l the on 25-7-2008 installed 38th raja, or Karaeng of Sanrabone : Karaeng Andi Ali Malongbasang.
Sanrabone is a little principality in the Makassar area in the extreme SW of Sulawesi. Actually it was under the sway of Gowa(=Makassar) and ruled by a prince from Bone, but in 1667 seperated from it. Gowa and Sanrabone royalty married much with each other. In 1865 the principality became a direct ruled area. But the dynasty kept on delivering the regent for the area.

The man with the high cap is Raja Andi Rustam Paga of Bastem; a vasal-principality in Luwu (middle Sulawesi) and Representative of the Monarch (Datu) of Luwu.

Donald Tick,
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-kerajaan Indonesia "Pusaka"
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Sultan of Asahan

The man in the yellow cloth is Sultan Kamal Abraham Abdul Jalil Rahmat Syah; 12 Monarch of Asahan in East-Sumatra. He is descended from a Sultan of Aceh and a noblewoman from the Batakarea. This friendly king is a good medical doctor to, who stay ed long in Aceh. His father was Sultan Saibun Abdul Jalil Rahmat Syah; an athletic king, who was the only one, who could escape from the non-proteced area in East-Sumatra in 1946, when there arose the so-called social revolution, in which outsiders could make it happen, that most of the 27 East-Sumatra monarchs were(mostly)killed, or taken prisoner.Sultan Saibun swimmed in a borderriver to safety. In Aceh happened the same thing.
In World War II the Japanese already had killed nearly all of the monarchs of West-Kalimantan and of the Sangir- and Talaud islands, because they were seen as to much pro-Dutch (paranoia).

Donald Tick,
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-kerajaan Indonesia "Pusaka"

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Somba Gowa & Mamuju

This is the most important Monarch of Sulawesi: the (not installed) Somba/Sultan of Gowa (left upper picture left) the not proud and very friendly Andi Kumala Andi Idjo Karaeng Sila. He is chief of the Council of the Rajas and Sultans of S-Sulawesi. The man on his right is Maradia (raja) Andi Maksun Dai of Mamuju with his wife. Mamuju is one of the most important of the 9 principalities of Mandar area. Mandar area (in W-Sulawesi) was before known for his people with a soldierlike character.

Donald Tick,
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-kerajaan Indonesia "Pusaka"
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Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin III of Palembang

Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin III of Palembang. He is one of the 2 Sultans of Palembang,because he also has a rival. This sultan doesn't speak much(type of the silent/mystical Asian monarch?).He is descendant of the last great ruling sultan of Palembang: the 19th century Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II. After this sultan were 2 other sultans, but not so influential.
Because Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin III is descended from a sub-wife(selir) of his forefather, a young Palembang prince,who was descended from an 18th century great Sultan of Palembang and who was quite active in the cultural royal Palembang matters, installed himself as rival-Sultan.

Donald Tick,
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-kerajaan Indonesia "Pusaka"

Chief of the Dinasty of Bangli

Chief of the Dynasty of Bangli on Bali: Anak Agung Made Rai Rama. He is a very friendly royal of 83 years, who has a very strong character. When medio july an important prince of Ubud was cremated he walked all the way from the Ubud palace to the cremation place.
He is the royal person of the old school;in a positive way:inner beauty inside.
He don't speaks much, but what he says is mixed with a warm human feeling.

Donald Tick,
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-kerajaan Indonesia "Pusaka"

1st South East Asian Culture Royal Heritage Festival & Expo

Held on 25 - 30 November 2008 in Bali

Donald Tick,
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-kerajaan Indonesia "Pusaka"