Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Maddusila Named is the king of Gowa
Makassar, Tribun - Declaration approval Andi Maddusila A. Idjo coronation as King of Gowa XXXVII Maddusila place in residence at Villa Complex Mega Sari, Jl Jipang, Makassar, on Monday (17 / 1).
The event took place smoothly and kept some of the police. The procession performed to the accompaniment of drums and closed agngaru and silat performances. Maddusila mentioned crowned as king of the 37th and King to-33 in the structure.
Maddusila Karaeng Katangka crowned Sultan Alauddin II. Coronation performed by the signing of the coronation and inauguration declaration letter signed by representatives of the sultan and representatives claiming to represent Bate Salapang in Gowa.
According Madusilla, his inauguration would be conducted in May but has not been able to determine the place and time. He claimed to need good preparation to bring all the kings before the archipelago to the regions of Europe.
The event helped the Sultan of Surakarta Kanjeng dihadir Haryo Gunarso Kusumondiningrat Prince, who also serves as the Secretariat General of the Forum silaturrahmi Keraton se-Nusantara (FSKN).
Participated representatives from Empire Galesong Karaeng Tompo, representative of King Kajang Tana Toa Karaeng Antonio, and the descendants of King Tallo Andi Jemma Angku Petta.
"It is OK some say this is illegal but the king can not be recognized government, but the kings of a country," said KPH Gunarso.
Madusilla asked the family would come together to build Gowa. "We're going to make a barometer as a unifying kingdom of Gowa in South Sulawesi under the auspices of the Republic of Indonesia," he said.
Crown Prince
Meanwhile, Crown Prince Kingdom of Gowa, Andi Kumala A Idjo, called the coronation and inauguration plan her sister, Andi Maddusila A Idjo, as kings of Gowa are illegal.
According to him, the inauguration of the king must pass through mechanism for prerogratif rights lies with the Board Hadat Bate Salapang that since the founding of the kingdom of Gowa in 1300 led Tumanurunga King of Gowa I, until now the rules that apply.
"If there are other institutions that inaugurated King of Gowa, it is very erroneous because it is not through the procedures and mechanisms. It's illegal and illegitimate,''firmly Andi Kumala, Monday (17 / 1).
Andi Kumala explained, the authority of the Board Hadat Bate Salapang Permendagri reinforced with No. 39 of 2007 on the Institutional Board Hadat Salapang Bate ri Gowa. Even the authority was based on notarial deed and approved by the district court.
The last son of King Gowa Gowa Regional Head first, Andi Idjo Karaeng Lalolang, it revealed, the appointment of the first king of the King of Gowa begin until the 36th all through mechanisms and procedures and officially inaugurated in Stone Pallantikang within the tomb complex of the kings of Gowa.
While he was named as crown prince on July 5, 2007 at the Fort Fort Rotterdam, Makassar. At that time, the Board Hadat Bate Salapang hold a special plenary session establishment Andi Andi Kumala Idjo as Patimataranna Gowa Gowa or the crown prince until now. (Cr9/ute)
Tomb of Sultan Hasanuddin Watched
WHILE it, Andi inauguration plans in the region Idjo Maddusila A tomb of Sultan Hasanuddin, Jl Pallantikang, Gowa, immediately got a number of elements of community resistance. Hundreds of residents on guard at the complex in which there Pallantikang Stone, where the Kings Gowa inaugurated.
Even at the front of the tomb fitted with banners reading "We Need Not Community Gowa King Again."
"If his inauguration here means bloodshed will occur," said one of them.
Previously, Indigenous Stakeholder Salokoa ri Gowa, A Makmun Odor Online Karaengta Bontolangkasa, harshly criticized the inauguration of which he considers it very wrong.
According to him, system of royal government in Raja Gowa Gowa has ended with the last Andi Idjo.
Based on the decree (SK) The Minister of Home Affairs Number UP7/2/24 dated February 6, 1957, Andi Idjo no longer holds the title as the 36th King of Gowa was appointed regional head for the first Gowa (now the Regent Gowa).
"Because there is no empire anymore, then was appointed indigenous stakeholders," said Bau Online.
Similar stated Chairman of the Board Hadat Salapang Bate ri Gowa Abd Razak Daeng Tate Jarung Gallarrang Tombolo Lolo. (Cr9/ute)
All Article and Picture are from Tribun Makassar (http://makassar.tribunnews.com/read/artikel/146336/maddusila-dinobatkan-jadi-raja-gowa)
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Limited authority for Yogya’s sultan in new bill
Limited authority for Yogya’s sultan in new bill
Limitations would be placed on the authority of Sultan Hamengkubuwono X should he accept the proposed status of parardhya as stated in the bill on Yogyakarta’s special status, an official says.
The daily work of the administration will be handled by an elected governor.
“[The sultan] will retain the privilege of handling cultural affairs and land matters. The sultan will [handle] all matters outside the administration, so his authority will be limited,” the Home Ministry’s director general of regional autonomy Djohermansyah Djohan said, as quoted by tribunnews.com.
Djohermansyah said administrative work would be done by the administration together with the city council. “But, the sultan’s status is higher [than the governor] since the elected governor will be installed by the sultan.”
He said the sultan could run for governor if he wanted to.
“[The sultan] can run in the race, but we’ve never seen a sultan anywhere running for election,” he said.
Djohermansyah said the draft bill would be completed by Monday of next week.
All Article are belongs to The Jakarta Post (http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2010/12/03/limited-authority-yogya's-sultan-new-bill.html)
Sultan Serdang;the king of the historians of Indonesia;died.
He was known as a principal person,always having full love for his people.
He was succeeded by his brothers T. Rajah Anwar (died 1960) and Tuanku Abunawar (-2001);followed by the greatest historians of Indonesia of the modern time:
Tengku Luckman Sinar;since 22-6-2002 Sultan Bashar Syah II.
Because of being a diaberts he had heartproblems since medio 2010. A few days ago he went in to coma and after much praying by his family and many other people the Almighty and Loving God decided to bring him Home.
he is the symbol of the strict hardworking researches about the royal histories and cultures of Indonesia and what realistic roles it could play in the so-called modern Indonesia.
Until his death he was working hard form that goal.
Spending a lot of his own money to find usefull information and sharing it with others about these matters.
His last big project was making his father Sultan Sulaiman a national hero;not only a hero of the Indonesian freedom, but also because of the love for and dedication to his people.
Like his father he was always complete neutral in all matters.
Always supported by his wife Sultanan Daratul Qamar and his children,who all in their own way chared the love of the history and culture of the Melayu world.
For sure they will be his true succesors in this.
May the King of history of Indonesia of this time;
the Kings of Serdang Sultan Luckman Sinar Basahr Syah II;
has received his Eternal Peace now.
All thoughts go to his kerabat and the people of Serdang.
May as much as possible kings of Indonesia go to his funeral;
to this trully king of the revival of a meaning full royal touch in the so-called modern life of Indonesia.
DP Tick gRMK
I. Festivana
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Coronation Sultan of Sumbawa

Based on the assessment letter inaugural number: 05/MR-LATS/2.1/1432.2011 dated 10 January 2011 or 6 traveling Sultan of Sumbawa in 1432 on the inaugural set, DMA Kaharudin confirmed as the Sultan of Sumbawa with the title Sultan Muhammad Kaharuddin IV. In an assessment is also outlined the duties and responsibilities as sovereign among other things, mandated to be able to preserve and develop indigenous tana Samawa, also towards the achievement of tana Samawa religious society, modern and democratic.
Assessment letter was read out at the end of the event Musakara Rea by mohammad Syaikhu Rauf promptly at 16:45 pm.
Various considerations are also presented in the decision letter include the appointment of DMA Kaharudin as the son of Crown Sumbawa 5 April 1941.
With this assessment letter dated 10 January, it officially Sumbawa has had with the title sultan Sultan Kaharuddin IV.
Meanwhile, the Sultan Kaharuddin IV in his speech began after approval by decree, saying that the coronation of himself as the sultan was the mandate from the people.
The change towards a religious society, modern and democratic beginning of this sekarang.Hal era due to the challenge. In the face of the current era needs clear thinking and left everything to Allah SWT.
Also in his first speech, the Sultan Kaharudin IV entrust greetings to all the people and know that he is ready Samawa as sultan.
"Bismillahirrohmaanirrohim," the Sultan presented the first time to receive and execute tasks as the Sultan of Sumbawa IV.
Meanwhile, the atmosphere of the palace in a workshop filled with cries of joy at the moment penitia submit an assessment as Sultan. The atmosphere of emotion with shouts of Allahu Akbar and ACCOMPANIMENT Solawat Badr decorate and color the atmosphere of the palace in the workshop at that time.
All participants who attended also took time to shake hands with the newly elected emperor.
*All Document Translate from sumbawanews.com (http://www.sumbawanews.com/berita/utama/h.dma-kaharuddin-resmi-ditetapkan-sebagai-sultan-samawa.html)