Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sultan of Bacan (N-Moluccan) Died on Monday 21 September 2009

Ternate (AFP) - Thousands of Ternate, North Maluku (Maluku Utara) welcomed the corpse of Sultan of Bacan Gahral Adyan Shah at Babullah Airport, Tuesday, which was brought from Jakarta using charter aircraft.

Sultan Bacan died at his home in the area of Pondok Indah Jakarta on Monday evening due to illness suffered kidney failure last few years. He died at the age of 66 years.

From Sultan Babullah Airport, the corpse of former Regent of the North Maluku (Maluku Utara) while still in the area of Maluku province) was taken to Kedaton Sultanate of Ternate.

Sultan Bacan still a close relative of Shah Sultan Ternate Mudaffar Syah. Sultan's body was taken to the next Bacan Labuha, South Halmahera District (Halmahera Selatan) using a motor boat.

Some officials in Maluku Utara, like Governor of Maluku Utara Thaib Armaiyn , Lieutenant Governor of Maluku Utara Gani Kasuba, regent / mayor as Maluku Utara, parliament leaders and traditional leaders in the area looking corpse drive in Sultan of Bacan to the port Bastiong of Ternate.

Sultan Bacan left a wife and two children. One son works at one foreign bank and to this day he has not arrived in Ternate.

One community leader in Maluku Utara also Vice Chairman of Legislative of Maluku Utara Mr. Syaiful Ruray said has lost one of his best characters.

He added that the deceased had been a boon to many areas Maluku Utara both in terms of governance and the social field.

Sultan Bacan was one of the pioneering expansion into the province of North Maluku in 1999 ago. He was also instrumental in fighting many division two districts in Malut into nine districts.

Meanwhile, information from the Sultanate Bacan Bacan mentioned that the Sultan will be buried in the courtyard of Sultan Bacan on Tuesday night after the first interred in the Sultanate Kedaton Bacan. (*)


Content of Articles are copy from
Translated to English by I. Festivana & Donald P. Tick gRMK
Picture of Sultan is from our own collection (

Sultan's dynasty of Bulungan publishes book

Since the local autonomy laws of 1999 more qand more dynasties are writing their own history to preserve the local history also as a part of the total Indonesia history in this hugue country.

So in 2006 the Sultan's dynasty of Bulungan in N.E.-Kalimantan let publish a little book of 80 pages about the history of this kingdom. It is called "Sekilas sejarah Kesultanan Bulungan dari masa ke masa and written by H. Syed Ali Amin Bilfaqih, S.Ip;a local politician, who is intermarried in the sultan's dynasty (married with the daughter of the last officiqal crownprince from government kingdom time) and also descendant of an Arab man from Hadramaut/S.-Yemen,who brought islam to Bulungan ca. 260 years ago.

The book give a basic insight in to the history of the sultanate of Bulungan and also shows a bit of the importance of preserving that history and local culture(including the royal culture);f.i. via their own Bulungan semi-royal festival called Birau-festival (mostly in october-bi-annual?).

It contains some historical black and white pictures and some nice colour pictures,which show in its's function, this historybook is quite unique and we hope, that later a more large and richly illustrated book will be issued. The writer is one of the main representatives of the royal family of Bulungan.

This royal family;before quite rich;is known for their very dedicated way of preserving all kind a local culture and history;some deeds for which they need to be given compliments.

Since ca. 20 years the dynastymembers and their network try to find all over the world sources and old pictures, which give a showing of all the aspects of Bulungan live.

The book is published by publication company (penerbit) CV.Eka Jaya

Jl. Kh. Agussalim RT.6 No. 10 in Tarakan.(0062-5515526370/ ).

D.P. Tick gRMK

I. Festivana

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Loloda - the 5th principality of the North-Moluccans

Normally we speak of 4 kingdoms in the North-Moluccans :Ternate, Tidore, Bacan and Jailolo.
But there is a 5th principality, about which not very much people know about. It is the on the west-part of the island of Halmahera lying principality of Loloda.
About this there are several legends:the first raja descended from a sultan of Bacan, founded by a Prince/descendant of a sultan of Ternate, etc.
Western historains say, that in the very old time,when the principalities in the N-Moluccans were founded, there were more little stateletts. Besides the 4 later sultanates, not one of them survived, only Loloda did.
Before it must have been a quite powerfull principality, but later lost power to Jailolo, who then became the 1st ruler of the N-Moluccans.
But up until the Dutch time the rajas of Loloda were recognized as semi-independent rajas under Ternate. It is not known,when exactly they came under the rule of Ternate.
In 1908 the Dutch East-Indish Government found it better to more centralize the rule here, so Raja Syamsuddin (died 1915) then lost his semi-independent position and became just a districtchief with he title Sengaji. Also you can call them later Jogugu's.
The last ruling member of the dynasty was Jongofa, or Jogugu Haji Djami Bin Syamsuddin; 2nd son of the last raja, who had from 1945 a bit a restored position as local ruler. He stayed on as traditional leader of his people until his death in 1977. Nothing special was than done in the dynasty, until the time,that the dynasties in Indonesia were allowed to retake their cultural place in the society.
In 1999 his son Jogugu Bayan Bin Syamsuddin was installed. He died in 2004.
He was succeeded by the in 1959 born son Jogugu Kaicil Lutfi Muhammad Syamsuddin, who was officially installed as monarch of Loloda in the palace of the sultan of Ternate 30-8-2009.
The present jogugu of Loloda is a specialist on agriculture in the local government.
The dynasty maintains a very interesting website at "Loloda Kerajaan Facebook". Click on the name Loloda Kerajaan there and then on notes, or pictures, video, etc. and you will see many interesting information.

Finally the world can be witness,that the rajadynasty of Loloda can take his place in the world of traditional ruling families again.
Also the sultan of Ternate is a help to restore old traditional institutes, so that the local people have a good focuspoint for their own cultural identity.

D.P. Tick gRMK
I. Festivana